Adaptation, livelihoods and development in Asia and the Pacific
The Asia and Pacific region is home to a majority of the world's population and is without doubt an engine of economic growth and transformation. Many countries in the Asia and Pacific region are incredibly vulnerable to climate impacts, particularly our Pacific island neighbours and low-lying Asian nations such as Bangladesh.
Six of the ten countries most exposed to extreme climate events are in the Asia and Pacific region, with over 60% of the region's population currently work in sectors most at risk from climate change. Climate change is very likely to have a significant impact on regional food security and food prices. A 10% rise in food prices in this region could force an additional 64 million people into poverty. These issues of exposure, vulnerability community impact and potential food insecurity currently shape the research undertaken by ANU in this region.
At the broadest scale, this research theme examines climate mitigation and adaptation across the region. Using our inherent understanding of the drivers of climate change, we are able to explore the practical implications of impacts across different sectors and scales. Our research extends to marine, urban and rural contexts and includes community and government-based research partnerships to address resource management issues, behavioural change initiatives, social and institutional governance, as well as agricultural and ecological resilience.
- Associate Professor Nick Abel
- Dr Sonia Akter
- Professor Atholl Anderson
- Dr Rini Astuti
- Dr Aditya Balasubramanian
- Professor Hilary Bambrick
- Louise Bardwell
- Dr Mike Bourke
- Associate Professor Kathryn Bowen
- Dr Maureen Boyle
- Stephen Bygrave
- Dr George Carter
- Dr Matthew Colloff
- Ms Kathryn Dan
- Prof Katherine Daniell
- Professor Tim Denham
- Dr Thang Do
- Dr Annabel Dulhunty
- Mr David Dumaresq
- Associate Professor Benjamin Edwards
- Dr Colette Einfeld
- Professor Lorraine Elliott
- Ms Ashley Jameson Eriksmoen
- Honorary Professor Colin Filer
- Dr Edwina Fingleton-Smith
- Professor James Fox
- Dr Robert Glasser
- Professor Jane Golley
- Dr Katrina Grant
- Associate Professor Alastair Greig
- Professor Simon Haberle
- Dr Lainie Hart
- Professor Carolyn Hendriks
- Emeritus Professor Andrew Hopkins
- Professor Stephen Howes
- Emeritus Professor Boyd Hunter
- Ms Kari James
- Emerita Professor Margaret Jolly
- Dr Shimona Kealy
- Assoc Prof Mahendra Kumar
- Patrick L'Espoir Decosta
- Associate Professor Jonathan Liljeblad
- Dr Andrew MacKenzie
- Professor Sango Mahanty
- Kabin Maharjan
- Dr Amrita Malhi
- Dr Virginia Marshall
- Professor John McCarthy
- Siobhan McDonnell
- Dr Tim McLellan
- Henrietta McNeill
- Dr Wendy Merritt
- Sarah Milne
- Dr Rebecca Monson
- Dr Jessie Moritz
- Assoc Prof Sally Moyle
- Dr Claudia Munera Roldan
- Dr Harry Myrans
- Dr Van Kien Nguyen
- Emeritus Professor Ian Noble
- Prof Sue O'Connor
- Dr Melanie Pill
- Professor James Pittock
- Dr Katrina Proust
- Dr Simon Quilty
- Professor Budy P Resosudarmo
- Dr Anouk Ride
- Professor Richard Rigby
- Brad Riley
- Dr Andrew Ross
- Dr Nadeem Samnakay
- Dr Sofia C. Samper Carro
- Dr Anna Sanders
- Dr Abidah Setyowati
- Dr Nikolay Shirokikh
- Dr Jeremy Smith
- Dr Julie Smith
- Dr Kayla Smurthwaite
- Professor Ligang Song
- Dr I Nyoman Sutarsa
- Professor Luca Tacconi
- Dr Maria Tanyag
- Mr Hugo Temby
- Dr Annick Thomassin
- Dr Phuc Xuan To
- Dr Thong Tran
- Assoc Prof Bob Webb
- Tony Webster
- Professor Ian White
- Mr Tom Worthington
- Dr Tingbao Xu
- Associate Professor Yixiao Zhou
- kate harriden
- Helen Abbott
- Katherine Aigner
- Jose Cobian Alvarez
- Anna Cain
- Harry Campbell-Ross
- Debasish Das
- Liz Dovey
- Gretchen Druliner
- Rachel England
- Md Omar Faruk
- Md Kamruzzaman
- Myjolynne Kim
- Nicholas Metherall
- Lakshmin Mudaliar
- Padma Newsome
- Nanduni Nimalsiri
- Cynthia Parayiwa
- Rahena Parvin Rannu
- Akka Rimon
- Chitresh Saraswat
- Pattheera (Paire) Somboonsin
- Marc Torra
- Vehia Wheeler
- Mohammad Zainuddin
Professional staff
Designing climate information services to enhance resilient farming activities: Lessons from Papua New Guinea, Rachel S. Friedman, Steven J. Crimp, Ruth Baiga, Kasis Inape, Ellis Mackenzie and Mark Howden, Frontiers in Climate.
Policy options for offshore wind power in Vietnam, Thang Nam Do, Paul J. Burke, Llewelyn Hughes, Ta Dinh Thi, Marine Policy.
Facilitating learning for innovation in a climate-stressed context: insights from flash flood-affected rice farming in Bangladesh, Md Kamruzzaman, Katherine Anne Daniell, Ataharul Chowdhury and Steven Crimp, The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension.
Is ASEAN ready to move to multilateral cross-border electricity trade?, Thang Nam Do & Paul J. Burke, Asia Pacific Viewpoint.
Sustainability of what, for whom? A critical analysis of Chinese development induced displacement and resettlement (DIDR) programs, Hongzhang Xu, Jamie Pittock, Katherine Daniell, Land Use Policy.
Disaster Risk Reduction in Asia Pacific - Governance, Education and Capacity – new publication. This book brings together interdisciplinary perspectives from across the Asia-Pacific region; focuses on how societies in the Asia-Pacific approach disaster planning, preparation, planning, recovery, and resilience; and addresses different dimensions of Sendai Framework of Disaster Risk Reduction. Edited by Helen James, Rajib Shaw, Vinod Sharma and Anna Lukasiewicz.
Scanning Models of Food Systems Resilience in the Indo-Pacific Region, Rachel S. Friedman, Rachel M. England, Katie D, Ricketts, Monica van Wensveen, Lilly Lim-Camacho, Steven Crimp, Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems.