Liz Dovey

PhD Scholar
Fenner School of Environment & Society

Since graduating from Monash with an Honours degree in Geography and Zoology (with a strong touch of Prehistory), Liz worked for state, national and international governments for many years in a variety of nature conservation and environmental impact assessment roles. These ranged from Ranger Naturalist with NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service to working for the Australian Government leading Australia’s Threatened Species and Communities team, to working with Pacific Islanders to understand and counter the threats posed by invasive species (working for SPREP, the Pacific Islands’ own Environment Agency) and climate change (as a manager of Australia’s Pacific Australia Climate Change Science and Adaptation Program). 

When the Department of Climate Change was abolished in the mistaken belief that climate change no longer mattered to Australia, Liz decided this was an excellent time to return to university. She was the top Masters of Climate Change student in 2013, winning the Garnaut Prize.  She was appointed to the ACT Scientific Committee in 2015, bringing climate change science and adaptation and wildlife management expertise to that panel.  She commenced her PhD studies in 2014, attempting a big picture synthesis of environmental change in the Pacific, particularly considering the implications of climate change.


Research interests


Under the supervision of Prof. Janette Lindesay (ANU Fenner), Prof Simon Haberle (ANU College of Asia and the Pacific) and Assoc Prof. Jamie Pittock (ANU Fenner), Liz’s research is largely focused on reassessing the literature with Pacific Islands specifically in mind, attempting to pull together a high-level desk-based synthesis of the implications of climate change for the Pacific in the interacting context of other threatening processes that were already underway before the issue of climate change became predominant.  She is attempting to be as inter- and multi-disciplinary as possible in her efforts, and to attempt to bring fresh perspectives and approaches to bear on the challenges faced at the island level that she hopes may help her island friends and colleagues.  For example, Liz is exploring how to harness the strong Pacific tradition of story-telling in her work.


Garnaut Prize for Climate Change ANU 2013

  • WEIR, T, DOVEY, L & ORCHERTON, D 2016 ‘Social and cultural issues raised by climate change in Pacific Island countries: an overview’ Regional Environmental Change 07/2016; DOI:10.1007/s10113-016-1012-5
  • SCHMUTTER, K, NASH, M & DOVEY, L 2016 Ocean acidification: assessing the vulnerability of socioeconomic systems in Small Island Developing States Regional Environmental Change 05/16 DOI: 10.1007/s10113-016-0949-8
  • DONNELLY, M, SHOO, L, ….& DOVEY, L 2012 ‘Engineering a future for amphibians under climate change – African application’ pp. 37-38 in Conference abstracts relevant to Africa -7th World Congress of Herpetology, Vancouver, Canada, African Herp News: Newsletter of the Herpetological Association of Africa No.58 December 2012
  • SHOO, LP....& DOVEY, L 2011, ‘Engineering a future for amphibians under climate change’, Journal of Applied Ecology 48: 487-492.
  • PYNE, S J …. & DOVEY, L 2011, ‘Migration and global environmental change SF 10: Specification for a state of science review – wildland fires’. In Johanna G. Goldammer (ed.) UN White Paper on Vegetation Fires and Global Change, U.K. Government Office for Science, London.
  • DOVEY, L 2010 ‘Climate change impact on Australian wildlife conservation and welfare’  In Convergence or conflict: Animal welfare in wildlife management and conservation, RSPCA scientific seminar Tuesday 23 February 2010, CSIRO Discovery Centre, Canberra 
  • GOLDAMMER, JG & STOCKS, B J, on behalf of the Team of Authors of the ‘White Paper on Vegetation Fires and Global Change’ (…including DOVEY, L) 2009, ‘Specification for a state of science review – wildland fires’, SR10 in Migration and Global Environmental Change project series, Government Office for Science, UK
  • MORLEY, J & DOVEY, L 2008 ‘Climate change adaptation: coasts and biodiversity activity at the national level’, pp 96 – 100 in S. Winderlich (ed) Kakadu National Park Landscape Symposia Series 2007–2009 Symposium 4: Climate change, 6–7 August 2008, Kakadu National Park
  • DOVEY, L, ORAPA, W & RANDALL, S 2004, ‘The need to build biological control capacity in the Pacific’ pp. 36 – 41 In: Cullen, JM, Briese, DT, Kriticos, DJ, Lonsdale, WM, Morin, L & Scott, JK (Eds) Proceedings of the XI International Symposium on Biological Control of Weeds Canberra, Australia, 27 April–2 May 2003, CSIRO Entomology, Canberra, Australia.
  • POWER, M & DOVEY, L 2003, ‘Integrating Fisheries into Coastal Management in Pacific Small Island Developing States’ Appendix M IN FAO Report of the Workshop on the Implementation of the 1995 FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries in the Pacific Islands: A Call to Action. Nadi, Fiji, 27-31 October 2003. FAO Fisheries Report. No 731. Rome, FAO. 2004
  • DOVEY, L 2003, ‘Fighting to save local wildlife from uninvited invaders’ SPREP Annual Report 2002
  • DOVEY, L 2002b, ‘Birds and invasives in the Pacific’, Wingspan 12 (1): 19
  • DOVEY, L 2002a, ‘Bird experts visit the land of the Kakerori’ Wingspan 12 (3): 23
  • DOVEY, L & RANDALL, S 2002, ‘The SPREP Regional Invasive Species Strategy - overview and potential next steps ‘, pp 66 - 76 IN Shine, C, Reaser, JK & Gutierrez, AT (eds.) 2003, Prevention and Management of Invasive Alien Species: Proceedings of a Workshop on Forging Cooperation throughout the Austral-Pacific, Bishop Museum, Hawai'i 15-17 October 2002. Global Invasive Species Programme, Cape Town, South Africa.
  • DOVEY, L 1999, ‘Commonwealth: Endangered Species Protection Act 1992’ (IN Appendix 1 in Hutchings, PA and Ponder, WF, Workshop: criteria for assessing and conserving threatened invertebrates) IN Ponder, WF & Lunney, D (eds) The other 99%: the conservation and biodiversity of invertebrates. Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales: 308.
  • DOVEY, L, WONG, V, & BAYNE, P 1998, ‘An overview of the status and management of rock-wallabies (Petrogale) in New South Wales’, Australian Mammal Society Meeting Abstracts.
  • DOVEY, L, WONG, V & BAYNE, P 1997, ‘An overview of the status and management of rock-wallabies (Petrogale) in New South Wales’. Australian Mammalogy Vol 19, pp. 113–122
  • IUCN Species Survival Commission's Australasian Marsupial and Monotreme Specialist Group (AMMSG) 1996, Action Plan for Australian Marsupials and Monotremes, Wildlife Australia. Viewed online 19 October 2013 <" class="link-ext">
  • DOVEY, L 1994a, Wildlife Corridors - their Compatibility with Residential Development: Issues and Solutions, Paper prepared for the Jervis Bay Advisory Committee; reprinted in Ranger 1995.
  • DOVEY, L 1990, Why national parks have to be big, National Parks Journal Vol 27 No 1, pp.18-19
  • DOVEY, L 1987, ’The Long-footed potoroo’ Bogong 1: 6-7
  • HIBBERD, J, DOVEY, E, & GRIFFITHS, R, 1984, ‘Comparison of three regional biophysical inventories for nature conservation in NSW’, pp 248-262 IN Myers, K, Margules, CR & Musto, I (Eds) Survey Methods for Nature Conservation, S.A. DEP.
  • HOPE, JH, LAMPERT, RJ, EDMONDSON, EE, SMITH, M, & VAN TETS, J 1976, ‘Late Pleistocene faunal remains from Seton Rock Shelter, Kangaroo Island, South Australia’,J. Biogeog. 4: 363 - 385.

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