Past events
Past events
ICEDS lunch and learn - media and policy engagement »
An opportunity for ANU ICEDS members to find out about how they can engage with media and policymakers in the lead-up to the 2025 Australian election.
ANU Climate Update 2025: If not now, when? »
Please join Professor Mark Howden as he delivers his last Climate Update as ICEDS Director. Mark will present an overview based on the very latest research and data detailing how our climate is changing and how we are responding to these changes in Australia and around the world.
Post COP29 - What happened, and where to from here? »
Join us for a post-COP29 panel event to hear leading experts, including those who attended COP29 in person, discuss these questions and more.
Global green iron developments and implications for Australia »
At this seminar, recent OECD Steel Committee work on these topics will be presented to allow for a discussion on implications for Australia and how global cooperation can help ensure that green iron developments provides solutions to the challenges the global steel industry faces.
Seminar: Engineering Challenges in Solar and Wind Powered Megawatt Water Electrolyzers »
Dr Meng Tao will discuss the significant engineering challenges in powering megawatt-scale water electrolyzers with solar and wind energy.
Meet the Author- Ross Garnaut »
Ross Garnaut will be in conversation with Barry Jones on his new book Let's Tax Carbon: And Other Ideas for a Better Australia, tracing a new path for Australia.
Colonialism, Policy, and Indigenous Governance in the Changing Anthropocene: Climate Change and Pollution »
This seminar delves into colonialism's profound impact on Indigenous communities' strategies for mitigating and adapting to climate change. Additionally, it explores the influence of Indigenous self-determination and resurgence on climate change, drawing insights from two distinct doctoral research studies.
ANU Solar Oration 2024: Solar step change »
In the 2024 ANU Solar Oration, hear from experts about the opportunities solar energy presents for Australia and some of the challenges we will need to navigate along the way.
An introduction to global heavy industry decarbonization technology and policy options »
The Paris agreement shifted heavy industry focus towards clean production for net-zero emissions by 2050, necessitating technological innovation and investment in sectors like steel and chemicals, and requiring policy support for a just transition.
Electric Vehicle Charging at the Workplace: Experimental Evidence on Incentives and Environmental Nudges »
To minimize the environmental costs of electric vehicles (EVs) and support decarbonizing electric grids, drivers must charge their EVs when renewable energy generation is abundant.