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ANU offers a wide variety of scholarships and prizes to support and encourage students to perform well in their studies.
ANU Chancellor’s International Scholarship»
$25-50% Fee waiverThe scholarship will award a tuition fee reduction of 25% or 50%.
The ANU Chancellor's International Scholarship offers an opportunity for students from around the world to access one of multiple scholarships available to undergraduate and postgraduate students. The scholarship is designed to attract a diverse range of high calibre international students to commence study at ANU.
Energy Research Supplementary Scholarship»
$10,000This supplementary scholarship is intended to supplement a scholarship or other university award for an outstanding PhD student in an energy-related field. The scholarship is provided by the ANU Institute for Climate, Energy and Disaster Solutions (ICEDS) with a view to fostering interdisciplinary research. The scholarship is available for award in 2024 for study from 2025.
Game-Changing Scholarship supporting climate change research»
$10,000Each year the Institute for Climate, Energy & Disaster Solutions may offer up to two awards known as the ANU Game-Changing Climate Research Scholarship ("the award"). The objective of the award is to support the emerging generation of bright PhD scholars to contribute to game-changing climate change research, adaption and mitigation outcomes.
Global Power Generation Australia Scholarship in The Hydrogen Economy»
$2 x 10,000Offered to Master of Energy Change (Advanced) students, or those undertaking the Master of Energy Change and are eligible to transfer to the advanced program.
This scholarship supports students undertaking a research project in the field of the hydrogen economy.
For more information on the Scholarship, please contact Dr Igor Skryabin:
Jennifer & Ian Prosser Scholarship for first-year Masters students»
$5,000First year students studying the Master of Energy Change, Master of Climate Change or the Master of Engineering in Renewable Energy programs who can demonstrate an interest in renewable energy are eligible to apply for the scholarship. Priority will be given to students from remote, rural and regional backgrounds.
Jennifer and Ian Prosser have generously funded this award. They value the importance of higher education at ANU, the interdisciplinary approach to energy change and sustainability, and the need to support regional and rural students of Australia.
For more information, including how to apply, please email Dr Igor Skryabin: