Dr Annabel Dulhunty

BA (Usyd), Master of Social Development (UNSW), PhD (UNSW)
Lecturer, Crawford School of Public Policy
College of Asia & the Pacific

Dr Annabel Dulhunty is a Lecturer at the Crawford School of Public Policy.

Annabel is a development studies and social policy scholar whose research focuses on three interrelated areas. First, Annabel is interested in comparative overseas development assistance policies and programs, especially on their impact on inequality and alignment with a feminist foreign policy agenda. Second, Annabel's work addresses women's empowerment and gender and development programming. In particular, she examines the effectiveness of women's empowerment programs for the most marginalised. Third, Annabel has a particular research interest in India - focusing on the impact of social policies and aid programs on highly disadvantaged communities. Annabel has examined the impact of state policies and women's empowerment programs on Dalit women in West Bengal, India. Annabel's work has looked at the unique contributions of Dalit feminism and processes of social change. Annabel is also interested in the enabling environment for social transformation and the comparison of different states' policies in India in respect to health, education and social protection.

Annabel also has an extensive history of managing large multimillion dollar aid programs with international teams in Africa, Latin America and Papua New Guinea. In addition, she has worked in Bangladesh and India on anti-trafficking projects, programs on gender equality and humanitarian protection. Annabel brings this practical experience to her teaching as well as her expertise in designing and evaluating global development programs.

Annabel is a core group member of the Australian Feminist Foreign Policy Coalition. Annabel is also a member of the South Asian Studies Association of Australia and the Development Studies Association of Australia.

Research interests

Areas of expertise

  • Development Studies
  • Gender Studies
  • Studies Of Asian Society
  • Political Economy And Social Change
  • Poverty, Inclusivity And Wellbeing
  • Gender, Policy And Administration

Updated:  12 December 2024/Responsible Officer:  College of Science/Page Contact:  https://iceds.anu.edu.au/contact