2019 public policy energy highlights

The Institute engages in the development of public policy through its extensive relationships with government departments and agencies.


Coal transition in Australia

Report: Coal transitions in Australia: Preparing for the looming domestic coal phase-out and falling export demand. Co-authored by Professor Frank Jotzo and Mr Salim Mazouz with collaborators at the University of Melbourne. This report explores pathways, implications and policy options for Australia to move beyond domestic coal use during the next two decades, as its old coal plant fleet continues to age and renewable energy becomes more competitive. It also highlights the need to prepare for growing downside risks to its coal export sector as market fundamentals shift in the Asia-Pacific region.

 Coal transitions in Australia: Preparing for the looming domestic coal phase-out and falling export demand (1.6MB PDF)

The report and a related paper led by Dr Paul Burke Closures of coal-fired power stations in Australia: local unemployment effects, are part of 'Coal Transitions', an international research project consisting of national experts in China, India, South Africa, Poland, Australia and Germany. The research project explores options for their countries to implement economically feasible and socially acceptable coal transition strategies that are consistent with the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement.

 Industry investment in renewable energy averages more than 5 GW a year for 2018/19 (368KB PDF) This document is the same as the below link

Federal and State Government

Mar 2019

ECI members, led by Professor Ken Baldwin, provided a submission on the National Hydrogen Strategy Discussion
and the National Hydrogen Issues Paper. ECI members also met with members of the Chief
Scientist’s National Hydrogen Taskforce.

Sep 2019

The ECI and the Australian ITER Forum provided submissions to the Inquiry into the Prerequisites for Nuclear Energy in Australia. Professor Andrew Stuchbery and Professor Tim Senden presented oral evidence on behalf of the ECI to the Inquiry.

Nov 2019

Submission to the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation on the “Climate Change in Western Australia – Issues Paper”, by the Grand Challenge team Zero-Carbon Energy for the Asia-Pacific, led by Dr Lee White.

Regulatory Bodies

Dr Bjorn Sturmberg, Dr Marnie Shaw and Dr Lachlan Blackhall provided a submission to the Australian Energy Market Commission responding to the consultation paper on Regulatory Sandbox Arrangements to Support Proof-Of-Concept Trials.

The Battery Storage and Grid Integration Program, led by Dr Lachlan Blackhall, provided a Submission to the Energy Security Board Post-2025 Market Design Issues Paper.

Pumped hydro

Professor Andrew Blakers and his team continued to influence public policy with their work on pumped hydro cited in a number of national and state-based reports including:

Feb 2018

Numerous references in Fully Charged Climate Council report
 Fully Charged: Renewables and Storage Powering Australia

Dec 2017
Dec 2017

NSW Chief Scientist’s Energy Security Taskforce’s Report; references to, 100% Renewable Energy paper and the Pumped Hydro Atlas  An atlas of pumped hydro energy storage (7.3MB PDF)

Individual contributions

ECI researchers contribute to public policy development through their individual research expertise as part of their everyday activities – particularly in the disciplines of economics, law, sociology and policy. Amongst many individual achievements throughout the year, ECI researchers contributed to the following areas of public policy:

Mar 2018

Professor Andrew Blakers – Submission to ACT Government’s Climate Change Strategy

Mar 2018

Dr Paul Burke – Submission to the Inquiry into Progress Under the National Road Safety Strategy 2011-2020

Sep 2017

Professor Andrew Blakers – Submission to NSW Legislative Council inquiry into electricity prices

Updated:  1 April 2021/Responsible Officer:  College of Science/Page Contact:  https://iceds.anu.edu.au/contact