Message from the Director

Welcome to the ANU Institute for Climate, Energy & Disaster Solutions
The interacting consequences of climate change, the energy transition and increasing risks from disasters are affecting every aspect of our lives, from severe heatwaves and storms disrupting our energy systems, to floods hitting banking services, to unprecedented bushfires destroying homes, killing myriads of native animals and stopping the delivery of petrol for our vehicles.
In response, ANU created the Institute for Climate, Energy & Disaster Solutions to harness and boost our expertise, research and engagement in the areas of climate change, the energy transition, and disaster-risk science and how they interact. Our goals include bridging divides between disciplines, building networks, and creating better links within both the ANU and people and organisations beyond our campus.
We invite you to explore our website to learn more about these crucial issues.
You can also connect with us via social media, signing up for our newsletter, attending our events or reaching out to our members and / or staff.
Professor Mark Howden
Director, Head of Climate
ANU Institute for Climate, Energy & Disaster Solutions