2022 Cluster Highlights

Dr Jeremy Smith

Research Highlights

A project led by the School of Engineering at ANU, in partnership with Abundant Water (AW) and Engineers Without Borders Australia (EWB), is looking to increase access to safe drinking water in Timor-Leste. Over the next twelve months they will be installing a thousand ceramic water filters in households and 4 schools in the Baucau and Manatuto municipalities in Timor-Leste. The project is supported by the Australian Government through the SciTech4Climate program managed by the ANU Institute for Climate and Energy Disaster Solutions. Read more

"The partnership with EWB, AW and the School of Engineering will expand the distribution of the filters, evaluate their effectiveness for filtration and health outcomes, and explore opportunities for further uses," - Dr Jeremy Smith

EWB, AW, teachers, School Director and Education Minister at Eskola Basica Central (EBC) LayDoe, Laleia, Manatuto. Image: Supplied (Safe drinking water (arcgis.com))


During semester 2, 2022, four student interns and a team of five design students representing four ANU Colleges (CoS, CECC, CAP, CASS) have been supporting ICEDS flood mitigation and intelligence projects. Assisted by supervisors from ICEDS and the four Colleges involved, students were providing their discipline perspectives and knowledge into trans-disciplinary impact-focused collaborations, capturing the research-led education intent of the ANU and contributing directly to current research projects.

Updated:  3 February 2023/Responsible Officer:  College of Science/Page Contact:  https://iceds.anu.edu.au/contact