Dr Andrew MacKenzie

Honorary Senior Lecturer ANU Fenner School

2021- Campus Director Emalus, Vanuatu University of the South Pacific

2016-present Honorary Senior Lecturer and research Fellow ANU Fenner School

2014-2016 Head of Discipline - Design and Architecture University of Canberra

2013-2014 Course director for bachelor of Design (majors in Landscape Architecture, Industrial design, Interior Architecture- University of Canberra

2010-2018 Senior Lecturer Landscape Architecture, University of Canberra

2003-2009 Lecturer Landscape Architecture University of Canberra

2002-2003 Landscape Architect JEA and associates

2001-2002 Teacher Landscape design and construction Canberra Institute of Technology Horticulture College

1989-2001 Managing Director MacKenzie Landscapes Pty Ltd

2006 - Registered landscape architect Australian Institute of Landscape Architects no. 01393

Updated:  14 August 2024/Responsible Officer:  College of Science/Page Contact:  https://iceds.anu.edu.au/contact