Kabin Maharjan

Crawford School of Public Policy

Kabin, an Australian Award Scholar, is pursuing a climate change degree at Crawford School of Public Policy and is a visiting faculty member at the School of Arts, Kathmandu University. With a master’s degree in ‘Human and Natural Resources Studies’ from Kathmandu University, he has completed specialised courses in ‘Energy, Environment, and Sustainable Development’ from Oslo University, Norway, and ‘Water Economics’ from IHE Delft Institute, The Netherlands.

With over a decade of research experience in development and policy spaces, Kabin brings an interdisciplinary background and expertise to address pressing global environmental challenges. He has collaborated with policy think tanks, advocacy groups, development practitioners, and academic institutions throughout his career, navigating complex research landscapes to deliver meaningful evidence. His interests span climate mitigation and adaptation, climate loss and damage, energy transition, disaster management, water management, migration, and environmental policy. Currently, he is exploring the Development-Disaster interface, examining how development initiatives inadvertently exacerbate disasters. Additionally, he is actively involved in projects aimed at revitalising community ponds and promoting springwater conservation to mitigate the impacts of climate change.

Updated:  10 July 2024/Responsible Officer:  College of Science/Page Contact:  https://iceds.anu.edu.au/contact