Check out our calendar of events and participate in our seminars and public lectures.
Past events
ICEDS lunch and learn - media and policy engagement »
An opportunity for ANU ICEDS members to find out about how they can engage with media and policymakers in the lead-up to the 2025 Australian election.
ANU Climate Update 2025: If not now, when? »
Please join Professor Mark Howden as he delivers his last Climate Update as ICEDS Director. Mark will present an overview based on the very latest research and data detailing how our climate is changing and how we are responding to these changes in Australia and around the world.
Post COP29 - What happened, and where to from here? »
Join us for a post-COP29 panel event to hear leading experts, including those who attended COP29 in person, discuss these questions and more.
Global green iron developments and implications for Australia »
At this seminar, recent OECD Steel Committee work on these topics will be presented to allow for a discussion on implications for Australia and how global cooperation can help ensure that green iron developments provides solutions to the challenges the global steel industry faces.
Seminar: Engineering Challenges in Solar and Wind Powered Megawatt Water Electrolyzers »
Dr Meng Tao will discuss the significant engineering challenges in powering megawatt-scale water electrolyzers with solar and wind energy.
Meet the Author- Ross Garnaut »
Ross Garnaut will be in conversation with Barry Jones on his new book Let's Tax Carbon: And Other Ideas for a Better Australia, tracing a new path for Australia.
Colonialism, Policy, and Indigenous Governance in the Changing Anthropocene: Climate Change and Pollution »
This seminar delves into colonialism's profound impact on Indigenous communities' strategies for mitigating and adapting to climate change. Additionally, it explores the influence of Indigenous self-determination and resurgence on climate change, drawing insights from two distinct doctoral research studies.
ANU Solar Oration 2024: Solar step change »
In the 2024 ANU Solar Oration, hear from experts about the opportunities solar energy presents for Australia and some of the challenges we will need to navigate along the way.
An introduction to global heavy industry decarbonization technology and policy options »
The Paris agreement shifted heavy industry focus towards clean production for net-zero emissions by 2050, necessitating technological innovation and investment in sectors like steel and chemicals, and requiring policy support for a just transition.
Electric Vehicle Charging at the Workplace: Experimental Evidence on Incentives and Environmental Nudges »
To minimize the environmental costs of electric vehicles (EVs) and support decarbonizing electric grids, drivers must charge their EVs when renewable energy generation is abundant.
ANU Energy Update 2022: From Energy Crisis to Net-Zero »
Join us for this year’s ANU Energy Update to hear about recent developments in energy research and analysis in 2022.
Post COP27 – What happened, and where to from here? »
Join us for a post-COP27 panel event to hear leading experts and emerging First Nations and Pacific Island leaders, including those who attended COP27 in person, discuss key takeaways from the event.
Aus-China Decarbonisation Roundtable: Hydrogen & Economic Diversification »
Join a thought-provoking roundtable that will explore existing and future collaboration between Australia and China on decarbonisation.
ANU Solar Oration 2022: Drew Clarke AO »
How can the Australian electricity system transition to net-zero?
In conversation with Ross Garnaut »
Ross Garnaut will be in conversation with Frank Jotzo and Ligang Song on The Superpower Transformation: Building Australia's Zero-Carbon Future, which documents how Australia can become a leader in a world of zero net emissions.
ANU Disaster Solutions Update: From Fires to Floods »
How can we advance our approaches to preventing and responding to disasters, both in Australia and across the region?
Loss & Damage and the Climate Negotiations Workshop »
Join a two-day workshop, aimed to strengthen collaborations and knowledge sharing on loss and damage in the lead up to COP 27.
Asia-Pacific Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction 2022 »
Visit the ICEDS exhibition booth at the 2022 Asia-Pacific Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction. The conference brings together delegates from across the Asia Pacific to showcase and share experiences, action and innovation to help build a resilient future for the region.
Climate Action: What are Pacific Island nations hoping for from Australia? »
Join ICEDS for a special panel to discuss possible climate change actions Australia can be taking to better support Pacific Island nations.
Aus-China Decarbonisation Roundtable: Steel, Hydrogen, and Battery Minerals »
ACBC WA and ANU are pleased to present the Australia-China Decarbonisation Roundtable: Green steel, hydrogen and battery minerals
Book Launch: Transitioning to a Prosperous, Resilient & Carbon-Free Economy »
Join us for the launch of Transitioning to a Prosperous, Resilient and Carbon-Free Economy: A Guide for Decision-Makers
Comparing Australian and United States net zero emission trajectories »
In the wake of COP26, this event will compare the decarbonisation trajectories of Australia and the United States.
State of Energy Research Conference 2021 - Accelerating research for a speedy energy transition »
The Energy Research Institutes Council for Australia (ERICA) is running its 2nd national State of Energy Research Conference (SoERC) – the inaugural conference having been held in Canberra in July, 2019.
ANU Solar Oration 2021: The Solar Century – renewable energy’s role in a zero carbon future »
Join us for ANU Solar Oration 2021 to hear from Assistant Prof Marta Victoria and Assoc Prof Matt Stocks on upcoming potential for solar in the decarbonisation of the energy sector.
ANU Energy Update 2021 - Getting to Net Zero »
What role will the energy sector play in the journey to net zero emissions? the 2021 Energy Update explores this question, as well as recent developments in energy research and analysis.
Post COP26 - What happened, and where to from here? »
Join us to hear a summary of what happened at the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference, what this means for climate action globally, and where to from here.
Can low consumption lifestyles help us meet climate goals? »
Join us to discuss if low consumption lifestyles could help us meet climate goals, with Game Change Scholarship recipient Rebecca Blackburn.
Energy Conversations: Maximising Consumer Ability to Manage Electricity Demand »
Join us to hear Dr Lee White and others in a panel discussion on the topics of energy efficient homes and how best to maximise consumer ability to manage electricity demand.
New UN Report on Climate Science: Implications for Fiji and the Pacific »
Join us to discuss the main findings of the latest UN report on the science of climate change and its implications for Fiji and the Pacific.
Breastfeeding: where healthy and sustainable food systems begin »
Today’s food systems are contributing to several intersecting health and ecological crises of global concern. Recognising this, many are now calling for transformative, and some even say radical, food systems change.
Preparing for the unprecedented: implementation of the Report of the Royal Commission into National Natural Disaster Arrangements »
Join us for this online webinar to discuss the question of how government, industry and society will go about the challenge of implementing the Bushfire Royal Commission’s wide-ranging recommendations.
The future of US climate policy under a Biden administration: Some implications for Australia »
Dr Morris will discuss the dramatically changed outlook for climate policy in the United States arising from the election of Joe Biden.
ANU Energy Update 2020 »
Presented by the ANU Energy Change Institute in cooperation with the Energy Research Institutes Council for Australia (ERICA).
Celebrating Antarctica: climate change, biodiversity, and science »
Join us in celebrating Antarctica Day with a panel discussion on the importance of the region, and how it is impacted by climate change.
Delivering on the Paris Climate Agreement – looking ahead to Glasgow »
On 12 December, 2015, the Paris Climate Agreement was signed by 197 countries, representing every nation on Earth. Now, almost five years later, how is the world tracking to meet the targets set out in the agreement? How are other countries ratcheting up climate action?
Knowledge to action and action to knowledge: how collaborative processes can address climate change »
In this panel session we will discuss how these collaborative processes work in practice and what are the ingredients for success. We will draw on the experience of both ANU researchers and their counterparts outside of academia who have conducted transdisciplinary research related to climate change.
EPBC Act: Federal environment reform in an age of climate crisis »
An interim review of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation (EBPC) Act found the law is "ineffective" amid the current "unsustainable" environmental trajectory. Join this College of Law expert panel as they discuss these issues and more.
Compound, Cascading and Lingering Disasters - Panel 2 »
Addressing complex risk and disasters and enabling resilience
ANU Solar Oration 2020 »
Transitioning the world to 100% clean, renewable energy, and how the U.S. election will affect the transition
David Attenborough: A Life On Our Planet - Panel discussion & Screening »
Film screening of David Attenborough's A Life On Our Planet and panel discussion.
Deciphering the UN climate talks in Madrid »
The UN Secretary General has described global efforts to tackle climate change as "utterly inadequate". So how did events unfold at COP25?
Indonesian electricity generation technology cost assessment »
Transitioning to net zero emissions: What can we learn from the Swedish model? »
What has made Sweden take leadership role in climate policy? How does a country like this plan to reach net zero emissions by 2045?
Asia-Pacific Solar Research Conference »
ACT Government/ANU Solar Oration 2019: The rapid rise of wind and solar »
ANU Energy Update 2019 »
Overcoming fossil fuel resistance to climate action: Lessons from the US »
Despite mounting evidence of a climate crisis, some fossil fuel industries continue to resist action. What can be done?
Future disasters: political and strategic policy vulnerabilities »
Future disasters: political and strategic policy vulnerabilities - Public lecture by Professor Steve Dovers
Overcoming fossil fuel resistance to climate action: Lessons from the US »
What Australia has and hasn't done to tackle climate change impacts on human health »
Launch of MJA-Lancet Countdown on Health & Climate Change Report 2019 in Canberra
Explaining COP24, the Katowice Climate Change Conference »
A panel of experts and climate negotiators who’ve attended the 2018 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Council of Parties (CoP24), held in Katowice, Poland, will explain how the conference evolved.
Enhancing Food Systems Resilience: Challenges, Future Scenarios & Research Avenues »
Based on a brief introduction to food system challenges, the presentation will consider plausible future food demand and the consequences for health, society and environment. It will then consider the nature of shocks and stresses, concluding with considerations relating to enhancing food system resilience.
Climate impacts on Tuvalu and hopes for climate change negotiations »
The Prime Minister of Tuvalu, Rt Hon Enele Sosene Sopoaga, will discuss the impacts of climate change on Tuvalu, noting the implications of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5° C.
Building Sustainable Cities with Effective Transport »
The Danish ambassador Tom Nørring’s talks on on urban transformation the Danish way – and also get to understand why he is so happy about his new apartment, centrally located in wonderful Copenhagen and with a fantastic view of….well, a power station?
The cascading impact of disasters in a warming world »
The recently released IPCC Special Scientific Report, “Global Warming of 1.5°C” highlighted the historically unprecedented scale of the changes required in energy, land, urban and industrial systems to achieve the 1.5 degrees limit and the enormity of the additional climate impacts we can expect if we are unsuccessful in doing so.
Climate Café: How can music encourage people to engage on climate change? »
What role can music play in climate change communication and adaptation? Drawing on recent research in West Africa, this Climate Cafe will explore the way musician-farmers in the Gambia are responding to the challenges of a changing climate through song.
2018 Negative Emissions Conference: Integrating Industry, Technology and Society for Carbon Drawdown »
To ensure that Australia plays a leading role and has a strong international voice, a holistic approach across the humanities, arts, and sciences is needed; bringing us into line with other nations. This conference aims to explore negative emissions technologies holistically from practicality, feasibility, and environmental/societal impact perspectives.
Power, Protest, Norms and Networks: Fossil fuels and the new politics of climate change »
Drawing on a suite of recent publications on “Anti-Fossil Fuel Norms”, supply-side climate policy, the normative foundations of climate policies, and fossil fuel bans, Fergus Green will explain how the new politics of fossil fuels mobilises grassroots supporters, challenges the legitimacy of the fossil fuel industry, builds global moral norms against fossil fuels, and facilitates international cooperation.
Climate Café: Responding to Climate Tipping Points »
Dr Andrew Glikson will give a short presentation about these climate tipping points. Participants will then split into small groups to discuss: Which climate tipping points are likely to have the greatest impact in Australia (environmentally and / or psychologically)? Could better communication of climate tipping points help facilitate more action on climate change? If so, outline communication approaches. What adaptation measures could we take to lessen their effects?
IPCC special report on Global Warming of 1.5°C: Deciphering the implications for emission-reduction and climate adaptation »
The 2015 Paris Climate Agreement committed participants to hold the increase in the global average temperature to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels and pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C.
The security implications of Climate, Energy and Economic transitions - What could possibly go wrong? »
John Blackburn will discuss the forthcoming study he will lead to explore these issues. He wishes to discuss a draft set of hypotheses and key questions the study will address with the audience, to seek advice and input to the study.
Fear, fearlessness and environmental activism: The Lock the Gate Alliance »
This event is the fourth part of a four part series: Governance and the power of fear.
Climate Café: Can cartoons transform our attitudes to climate change? »
The evidence that our climate is changing due to human activity is overwhelming. Yet attitudes towards climate change vary widely within the Australian community, with a small minority of people denying this evidence. Many more are ambivalent about the issue.
EnergyLab Canberra: Embracing the opportunities offered by community generation »
As the cost of renewable energy generation is falling it has become increasingly popular for Australians to invest in community generation. How can we embrace the opportunities offered by community generation?
Dispelling the Fog of War: Climate Change & International Security »
This event comprises a brief artistic and musical performance followed by a public lecture.
Can the Paris Climate Agreement survive the Trump stress test? »
Since President Trump’s announcement that the US would pull out of the Paris Agreement on June 1st, there have been mixed messages emerging from the US about its climate targets.
Faults, gases and leakage: locating and quantifying CO2 and methane leaks »
Reducing emissions from the extraction, transportation, and burning of fossil fuels is an important mechanism for many countries in order to limit their greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 and reduce the impacts of climate change. Fugitive methane emissions occur during the mining of coal, the production of conventional gas, and extraction of unconventional gas extracted from coal seams or shales, and its further processing, storage and transportation.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change: its role and prospects »
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is perhaps the biggest science-policy experiment ever, involving thousands of researchers and practitioners in each assessment cycle since its establishment in 1998.
Blueprints for a Post-Anthropocene Greenhouse Earth »
n 27 January, 2017, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists moved the arms of its doomsday clock to 2.5 minute to midnight, the closest it has been since 1953, with implications for humanity and nature. This book elaborates projections by the Atomic Scientists, presenting blueprints of a future geologic period, climate and biosphere based on our current understanding of the Earth's history and current developments in the atmosphere-ocean-cryosphere system.
Community Perceptions of Climate Change vulnerability, natural hazards and relocation: insights from Nabukadra and Navuniivi villages in Fiji. ...
This month there will be have two student presentations. The first will be presented by Fenner Masters student, Alexandra Nichols. Alexandra will present her recent research on climate change and relocation in Fiji. The second presentation will consist of a student seminar series and will be presented by students from this year’s Fiji Field School.