Check out our calendar of events and participate in our seminars and public lectures.
Past events
Australia-China Decarbonisation Roundtable »
Discuss with industry and academic experts on Australia-China links in green iron & steel, and value chains for renewables
Pathways from collective environmental action to wellbeing »
Learn about how collective environmental action can build wellbeing with Dr Zoe Leviston in this latest installment of the Society and Climate Change Seminar Series
How do new ideas emerge in the trade regime? Implications for addressing climate change. »
Webinar on shifting global trade norms with Matt Castle (Victoria University of Wellington)
Seminar: Postharvest losses from weather and climate change: Evidence from 1.2 million truckloads »
Sarah Smith, UC Davis describes work which estimates the effect of weather and climate change on postharvest losses using proprietary data on 1.2 million truckloads of processing tomatoes in California.
Women in energy »
Hear from Monique Miller about her personal transition into the energy transition and from Michelle Ryan about using evidence to advance gender equality.
Accelerating the net zero transition: clean energy in Australia and the US »
Please join us for a fascinating panel discussion with Andrew Light, Assistant Secretary, US Department of Energy exploring the accelerating clean energy transformation in the US and Australia.
The challenge of integrating Carbon Dioxide Removal into ambitious climate policy »
How can policymakers incentivize the timely upscaling of Carbon Dioxide Removal without undermining the priority of emission reductions? Seminar with Dr Oliver Geden.
Cooling Earth by aerosol effects on shallow marine clouds »
Seminar with ICEDS Visiting Fellow, Professor Daniel Rosenfeld - steering committee member of the Cyclogenesis Project, which investigates how Tropical Cyclone energy and impacts can be modified using aerosols using a novel simulation tool.
The energy transition in South Africa: Shared challenges and opportunities for collaboration »
Seminar by Jesse Burton on South Africa's unique challenges in transitioning its energy system, as well as what our two countries might have in common.
Myth busting renewable energy »
There remain many misconceptions about renewable energy, in this event, hosted by the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (ASTE) with the ANU Institute for Climate, Energy & Disaster Solutions (ICEDS), we address all these misconceptions.
Australia-China Decarbonisation Roundtable - ACBC & ANU »
The Australia China Business Council will host a hybrid roundtable organised by the Australian National University on the implications of decarbonisation for Australia and China.
IPCC Sixth Assessment Report: An overview of Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability for the Pacific »
Join us and our partners, the Pacific Climate Change Centre at the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP), to learn about the key findings from the most recent IPCC report and its implications for the Pacific.
The IPCC’s latest assessment of climate impacts and adaptation options: What does it tell us? »
Hear from report authors about the key findings and what they mean for taking forward action on adaptation in this critical decade.
New UN Report on Climate Change: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability - Implications for Fiji »
Join us to discuss the main findings of the latest UN report on climate impacts, adaptation and vulnerability. and its implications for Fiji.
Japan & Australia: opportunities in hydrogen & low-carbon steel »
The seminar offers industry and research perspectives from Japan and Australia on opportunities for collaboration in hydrogen and low-carbon steel.
Offshore Wind Power in Europe & Asia: Is a Single Regulatory Model Emerging? »
This seminar provides an opportunity for exchange of the latest research on legal, regulatory, approaches to governing the role of offshore wind power.
ANU Climate Update 2022 »
ANU Climate Update 2022 will present an overview of how our climate is changing and how we are responding to these changes in Australia and around the world.
ASEAN Outlook for Zero Carbon Energy »
This Energy Transition Dialogue is the first in a series of round table sessions established by the Southeast Asia Energy Transition Partnership (ETP) to bring government, private sector and civil society together and explore ways to accelerate the transition to renewable energy in the region.
Book launch: Rebalancing our Climate - The Future Starts Today »
In Rebalancing Our Climate, Eelco J. Rohling documents a wealth of ways to adjust the trajectory of climate change. He outlines measures to drive massive reductions of greenhouse gas emissions, remove these gases from our atmosphere, and reflect part of the incoming energy from the Sun back into space.
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RCNNDA Workshop #4 - Health and Disasters: A Hypothetical Discussion »
Join one or more of our targeted online workshops to discuss how government, industry and society can go about the challenge of implementing the Commission’s wide-ranging recommendations.
The status and next steps of event attribution in Climate Science »
Extreme event attribution is a field of climate science rapidly growing in popularity, despite being relatively new. In event attribution studies, the anthropogenic climate signal of an observed extreme event is determined by comparing the frequency and/or magnitude of the event in factual and counterfactual climates.
RCNNDA Workshop #3 - Civil/military cooperation in the new legal and policy environment »
Join one or more of our targeted online workshops to discuss how government, industry and society can go about the challenge of implementing the Commission’s wide-ranging recommendations.
Celebrating our oceans: From Australia to the Pacific to Antarctica »
To celebrate World Oceans’ Day, join us to learn & discuss the challenges to the health of our oceans & what can be done to protect them.
Climate Mitigation Policies and Carbon Neutrality in Rep. of Korea »
Join us for this presentation, which reviews the key components of the Republic of Korea's 2050 Carbon Neutrality Strategy and investigates the challenges ahead.
RCNNDA Workshop #2 - Emerging technologies and bushfires: realising the promise »
Join one or more of our targeted online workshops to discuss how government, industry and society can go about the challenge of implementing the Commission’s wide-ranging recommendations.
Workshops on the Royal Commission into National Natural Disaster Arrangements »
Join one or more of our targeted workshops to discuss implementation of the Royal Commission into National Natural Disaster Arrangements.
Summertime: Reflections on a Vanishing Future »
Join us for Summertime: Reflections on a Vanishing Future, a discussion with Professor Danielle Celermajer.
Japan’s Net Zero Carbon Emissions: What Happens Now? »
Join us in this online event to discuss Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga's announcement, which committed Japan to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions by 46 percent by 2030, compared to 2013 emissions.
Biden’s Leaders’ Summit on Climate: What next for Australia & our region? »
Join us to hear international relations & Pacific experts discuss implications of Biden's Climate Summit for Australia & the Pacific.
TEDxANU Countdown- We can change climate change »
2020 was the year we were thrown a curve ball, however are we still addressing the elephant in the room? What is the state of the climate today?
ANU Below Zero Emissions: Leadership and targets »
How might we demonstrate leadership in reaching below zero emissions as fast as possible? Join us in this workshop to discuss your ideas with ANU staff and students, and members of the community.
ANU Below Zero Emissions: Finance, investment and purchasing »
How might we finance activities to reduce GHG emissions? How might we reduce emissions from ANU purchasing & investments? Join us in this workshop to discuss your ideas with ANU staff and students, and members of the community.
The Technology Investment Roadmap: Carbon Capture and Use as an emerging technology »
Presented by the ANU Climate Change Institute Removing greenhouse gases from the atmosphere is a vital component of climate action if we are to limit global temperature rise to...
The Technology Investment Roadmap: Carbon Capture and Use as an emerging technology »
Join us at this event to hear from John Beever, CEO of CO2 Value Australia, and two other CCU experts (TBC) on why CCU is important, how it is being adopted around the world, and what benefits it could bring to Australia.
Investing in Healthy Farms for the Future: a policy proposal »
Sustainable Farms Research Directors present their research on a potential way to finance natural asset management projects on farms
ECI Public Forum: Digging deeper into the Technology Investment Roadmap »
The Australian Government's Technology Investment Roadmap and First Low Emissions Technology Statement outline various technologies aimed at reducing Australia's greenhouse gas emissions. Join this ANU Energy Change Institute Public Forum as we explore the Roadmap and Statement in detail.
ECI Public Forum: Digging deeper into the Technology Investment Roadmap »
The Australian Government's Technology Investment Roadmap and First Low Emissions Technology Statement outline various technologies aimed at reducing Australia's greenhouse gas emissions.
Renewable fuels - World Space Week 2020 »
The Australian National University (ANU) and the ANU Institute for Space (InSpace) are marking World Space Week this year (4-10 October), with a suite of virtual events to introduce you to the challenges Australia faces in space and how they affect you.
Disaster fatigue: the implications of Black Summer + COVID 19 for Australia »
The purpose of this presentation is to raise the issue of disaster fatigue. The implications of the combined and prolonged effects of the Black Summer bushfires and the COVID 19 pandemic in Australia are predicted to be far-reaching.
UN Climate Action Summit 2019: A Pacific Youth Talanoa for greater ambition on climate change »
The United Nations has called a Global Climate Action Summit to boost ambition and accelerate actions to address climate change.
Green steel: Forging a new industry in Australia »
National Science Week - Living with Climate Change Panel Discussion »
Join us for this panel discussion with climate and policy experts from the ANU - presented by the ACT Australian Meteorological & Oceanographic Society for National Science Week.
IPCC Special Report on Climate Change & Land: Exploring the implications for Australia »
This public lecture will discuss the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) special report on climate change, desertification, land degradation, sustainable land management, food security, and greenhouse gas fluxes in terrestrial ecosystems.
The role of hydrogen in the energy transformation »
2040: Film screening and panel discussion »
Drawing on experts from around the world to focus on climate, economics, technology, civil society, agriculture and sustainability, 2040 maps out a pathway for change that can lead us to a more ecologically sustainable and equitable future.
Climate change, human rights and poverty »
Climate change will have particularly devastating consequences for hundreds of millions of poor people and will bring a radically decreased standard of living for billions. Governments in Australia and the United States are world leaders in pretending that none of this will happen and enabling fossil-fuel businesses to profit massively as they contribute to the undermining of civilisation as we know it.
Averting Climate Catastrophe: Extinction Rebellion, Business & People Power »
In 2018 the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change warned that we have only 12 years at current global greenhouse gas emissions rates before our chances of limiting global warming to 1.5C are seriously at risk. How might such a fundamental shift - from business as usual to transformative change - be achieved?
The State-of-Energy-Research Conference (SoERC) »
Climate Café: How can we cut the carbon footprint of our food? »
Food generates a lot of carbon dioxide and equivalent emissions. There's the agricultural impact to grow it (think fertiliser, feed and flatulant cows). Then there's transport, processing, packaging, disposal and food waste. What we eat matters. But which area has the biggest impact? What's the best way to cut back.
Sunburnt Country: The History and Future of Climate Change in Australia »
Dr Joëlle Gergis presented her work and associated book to 175 people on the night. The book was also available at the event with Joëlle signing copies and discussing the implications of her work with participants. It was a successful event and thanks to Joëlle for coming to the ANU.
Cities, housing markets and climate change: a complexity perspective »
Tatiana Filatova illustrates how agent-based computational economic models can be used to study adaptation to floods accounting for the role of social interactions and risk perception biases in this process.
Climate + Change in the Hindu Kush Himalaya »
To address complex climate plus change challenges in mountains and downstream, International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development develops solutions at the intersection of environment and development of the HKH by facilitating knowledge generation and exchange, transboundary cooperation and science-policy dialogues on water resources and river basin management, biodiversity conservation and use, landscape management and resilience building.
Emerging governance features for successful Community-Based Adaptation in Indonesia and Timor-Leste: What works and why? »
In this seminar, PhD Scholar Hannah will present research on governance features that were observed in two CBA programmes recently implemented in Indonesia and Timor-Leste.
Climate Change and the Future of Biodiversity »
William Laurance will highlight key perils posed by climate change to Earth’s biodiversity while also emphasising areas where our knowledge is alarmingly tenuous.
Brisbane Climate Update 2018 »
Climate Update 2018 will present an overview of how our climate is changing and how we’re responding to these changes. You'll hear from experts, practitioners and leading commentators from across Australia.
Climate and Growth: An OECD perspective on the future we need »
This presentation will focus on what governments can to do boost economic growth and enhance productivity without locking the world into a high-emissions future.
Student Climate Café: Have your say on ACT’s Climate Strategy »
Antonio Mozqueira, Manager of Climate Change Policy with the ACT Government, will kick off the discussion by briefly outlining the key themes being considered as the ACT develops its new Climate Strategy.
Drawdown: The most comprehensive plan ever proposed to end global warming »
Project Drawdown is facilitating a broad coalition of researchers, policy makers, business leaders and activists to assemble and present the best available information on climate solutions in order to describe their beneficial financial, social and environmental impact over the next thirty years.
ANU Climate Update 2018 »
ANU Climate Update 2018 will present an overview of how our climate is changing and how we are responding to these changes in Australia and around the world. You'll hear from experts, practitioners and leading commentators from across ANU and throughout Australia.
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Climate Café: How can the ACT continue to lead in building a zero emissions economy? »
The ACT Government has set ambitious targets of reducing emissions by 40% from 1990 levels by 2020 and achieving net zero emissions by 2050 at the latest. So what does this mean for transport, energy use, buildings and waste treatment in the ACT? And what would a zero emissions future look like?
Mark Butler in conversation with Mark Howden »
Mark Butler will be in conversation with Mark Howden on Mark's new book, Climate Wars, which is a forceful case for using less and cleaner energy. As the consequences of climate change become perilously close to the point of no return, time-wasting wars over what to do distract us from taking real action.
The 2017 Jaeger-Hales Lecture: From water molecules to climate, making sense of Greenland and Antarctic ice core records »
The 2017 Jaeger-Hales lecture will be given by Dr Valérie Masson-Delmotte. The Jaeger-Hales Lecture is a prestigious biennial event in the School calendar that honours the foundational contributions of Professors Jaeger and Hales. The lecture is delivered by a highly distinguished scientist in the field of geosciences.
Climate change: A global science update »
This event will give an update on the latest climate science from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) highlighting the speed at which global temperatures are increasing.
A Planning Tool to Support Indigenous Rangers Manage Climate Change Impacts on Cultural Heritage Sites »
Over 100 Australian Indigenous ranger groups manage a significant proportion of Australia’s natural and cultural resources. Two Indigenous ranger groups in Australia’s monsoonal far north are concerned about a perceived escalation of impacts on cultural heritage sites arising from climate extremes, variation and change.
Climate Cafe: Reimagining our approach to "waste" »
This Climate Café will discuss how we can develop new ways of thinking and working around so-called “waste”.
EU Climate Diplomacy Week Film Screening: "Thirty Million" »
This special screening forms part of EU Climate Diplomacy Week: “Security and Resilience in a damaged climate world".
Security and Resilience in a Damaged Climate World »
The seminar facilitated the exchange of best practices between Australian and European practitioners in assessing and integrating climate and resilience issues in security strategies, emergency preparedness & intervention and disaster risk reduction and adaptation to climate change, in particular in the Pacific.
Security and resilience in a damaged climate world »
The seminar facilitated the exchange of best practices between Australian and European practitioners in assessing and integrating climate and resilience issues in security strategies, emergency preparedness and intervention and disaster risk reduction and adaptation to climate change, in particular in the Pacific.
Anna Krien in conversation with Will Steffen - ANU/Canberra Times Meet the Author Event »
Anna Krien will be in conversation with Will Steffen to discuss her new book, Quarterly Essay 66, The Long Goodbye: Coal, Coral and Australia's Climate Deadlock, which explores the psychology and politics of a warming world. She visits frontlines in Australia's climate wars - the Great Barrier Reef, South Australia, the Coalition party room.