Aus-China Decarbonisation Roundtable: Hydrogen & Economic Diversification

Please note that this event will be livestreamed from Brisbane, 1-4.15pm AEST ie. 2-5.15pm AEDT (Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne).

ACBC and ANU are pleased to present this thought-provoking roundtable that will explore existing and future collaboration between Australia and China on decarbonisation. Attendees will hear from leading industry, government and academic experts whose discussion will focus on Hydrogen in Energy Intensive Industries & Economic Diversification.

This is the third in a series of roundtable events on Australia-China links on low-carbon technology transitions, sponsored by the National Foundation for Australia-China Relations.

Australia and China’s low-carbon transitions are deeply linked through their energy systems and value chains. Low-carbon transitions open opportunities to establish new energy, resource and processing industries in Australia, on the basis of natural resource endowments and industrial capabilities. It is therefore critical for many Australian businesses, governments and other stakeholders to develop a deep understanding of China’s low-carbon transition.

Join our curated panel of experts to discuss existing and potential collaboration between Australia and China on Hydrogen in Energy Intensive Industries & Economic Diversification.

Please note that this event will be live-streamed, however no recording will be available afterwards. If you'd like to attend the event in person in Brisbane (limited availability), please email 

This workshop is the third of a series of ANU organized events on Australia-China links on low-carbon technology transitions, sponsored by the National Foundation for Australia-China Relations. To receive future briefings and notices on future events in this series, sign up by sending an email to

It is convened by ANU Crawford School of Public Policy in association with ANU Centre for China in the World and Grand Challenge Zero Carbon Energy for the Asia-Pacific.

ANU has developed a series of policy briefs on Australia-China’s links on low-carbon technology transitions to support the discussion in this workshop, which are available to read here.  

This event will consist of two sessions:

Session 1: Hydrogen in Energy Intensive Industries

1:00pm – 2:10pm AEST

Prof Xiliang Zhang –Chief Scientist of Climate Governance and Carbon Finance of Carbon Neutral Institute, and Director of the Institute of Energy, Environment, and Economy at Tsinghua University

Dr Fiona Beck – Senior Research Fellow, Australian National University’s School of Engineering

Prof Ian MacKinnon - Director, Centre for Clean Energy Technologies and Practices, Queensland University of Technology

Dr Yuan Peng – Research fellow, ANU Fenner School of Environment & Society

Mark Couchman (Session Moderator) –Director, Resources, Energy & Infrastructure - QLD ANZ

Session 2: Economic Diversification

2:45pm – 4:15pm AEST

Leanne Caelers - Executive Director of the Transmission and Transformation - Queensland Department of Energy and Public Works

Karen Hussey - Deputy Director-General, Environmental Policy and Programs, Queensland Department of Environment and Science

Louise Horrocks - Head of McR ESG, Partner at McCullough Robertson

Dr Amanda Cahill – CEO and Founder of The Next Economy

Howard Bamsey- Honorary Professor in the School of Regulation and Global Governance at ANU

Frank Jotzo (Session Moderator) -Professor, Crawford School of Public Policy, ANU

Event details

Date: Wednesday 23 November 2022

Time: 1:00pm - 4:15pm AEST

Location: Online

Cost: Attendance is free of charge, thanks to generous sponsorship from the National Foundation for Australia-China Relations

Updated:  2 November 2022/Responsible Officer:  College of Science/Page Contact: