Comparing Australian and United States net zero emission trajectories

Click to play Australian and US decarbonisation trajectories

In the wake of COP26, we will be comparing the decarbonisation options and possible trajectories to net-zero emissions for Australia and the United States.

The presentations and conversations will cover emissions reductions options, their economic implications, and the potential ways forward for policy in both countries.

The format will be a mini-symposium with short presentations and moderated discussions. The event will be held over Zoom with a small number of in-person participants. A zoom link will be sent to you before the event.

The event is hosted by the Institute for Climate, Energy & Disaster Solutions at the Australian National University and supported by the Embassy of the United States of America in Australia.

Presentations and a recording of the event will be uploaded to this page after the event.


Welcome Prof Frank Jotzo, Head of Energy, ANU Institute for Climate, Energy & Disaster Solutions

Context Douglas E. Sonnek, Economic Counsellor, Embassy of the United States of America

Keynote presentation on US decarbonisation options and trajectories - Prof Leon Clarke and Prof Nathan Hultman, Center for Global Sustainability at the University of Maryland

Australia’s technology roadmapRachael De Hosson - Chief of Staff, Office of the Low Emissions Special Adviser to the Australian Government, Department of Science, Industry, Energy & Resources (DISER)

Australia’s electricity supply trajectoriesNicola Falcon - Group Manager, Forecasting at Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO)

Moderation and workshop convenorship - Prof Frank Jotzo and Dr Thomas Longden, ANU.

About the speakers

Douglas E. Sonnek is Economic Counsellor at the US Embassy in Canberra.

Prof Leon Clarke is Research Professor at University of Maryland’s School of Public Policy and Research Director for the Center for Global Sustainability.

Prof Nathan Hultman is Professor in the University of Maryland's School of Public Policy and Founder and Director at their Center for Global Sustainability.

Rachael De Hosson is Chief of Staff at the Office of the Low Emissions Special Adviser to the Australian Government, Department of Science, Industry, Energy & Resources (DISER)

Nicola Falcon is the Group Manager for Forecasting at the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO).

Prof Frank Jotzo is Head of Energy at ICEDS and Professor at ANU Crawford School of Public Policy.

Dr Thomas Longden is a Fellow working on the ANU Grand Challenge - Zero-Carbon Energy for the Asia-Pacific and is based at the ANU Crawford School of Public Policy.

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Updated:  4 February 2022/Responsible Officer:  College of Science/Page Contact: