Knowledge to action and action to knowledge: how collaborative processes can address climate change

Click the play button to watch Photo credit: Stanley Awaki A group of stakeholders in south Africa standing in an agricultural field.

Complex issues like climate change require people with different types of knowledge and experience applying their insights to develop solutions.

Seeing research applied in practice can be a key driver for academics to develop research with diverse groups (including policy-makers, indigenous groups and landholders).  At the same time, there is increasing recognition that researchers themselves can also be major beneficiaries in collaborative processes. For example, researchers can gain a better understanding of the mechanisms by which climate-related issues can be addressed from policy-makers. This is where action links back to knowledge.

In this panel session we will discuss three case studies to demonstrate how these collaborative processes can work in practice and what are the ingredients for success. We will draw on the experience of both ANU researchers and their research counterparts outside of academia who have conducted transdisciplinary research related to climate change.

The three projects are:

Transforming small-scale irrigation in southern Africa:
• Prof Jamie Pittock & Peter Ramshaw (ANU Fenner School of Environment & Society)
• Dr Njongenhle M. B. Nyoni (Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources Policy Analysis Network, South Africa

Reducing emissions from deforestation in Indonesia:
• Prof Luca Tacconi (ANU Crawford School of Public Policy)
• Dr Zahrul Muttaqin - Deputy Director of Multilateral Cooperation, Indonesian Ministry of Environment and Forestry

Health and wellbeing benefits of Indigenous Ranger Programs:
• Roxanne Jones (PhD scholar, ANU National Centre for Epidemiology & Population Health)
• Alyson Wright (PhD scholar, ANU National Centre for Epidemiology & Population Health, Alice Springs)


Dr Ruth O’Connor – Knowledge Exchange Specialist, ANU Climate Change Institute

Event programme:

4:00pm - Event begins. Acknowledgement of country, introduction of the event and individual speakers.

4:05pm - Short opening statements and presentations from all speakers.

4:35pm: moderated panel discussion about what is needed for successful collaboration and transdisciplinary research.

5:00pm: Q&A with the audience.

5:30pm: Event conclusion.

This event will be recorded. The recording will be made available after the event through the ANU Climate Change Institute YouTube channel.

Updated:  30 November 2020/Responsible Officer:  College of Science/Page Contact: