EU Climate Diplomacy Week Film Screening: "Thirty Million"

Bangladesh is often described as the most vulnerable country on the planet in the face of a changing climate.

It's predicted to lose 17 percent of its land by the end of the century if global sea levels rise by one metre, putting 30 million Bangladeshis at risk of displacement.

Thirty Million is a critically acclaimed documentary, co-directed by climate scientist Dr. Daniel Price and TV journalist Adrien Taylor.

Whilst “Thirty Million” highlights explicitly the plight of the people of Bangladesh, the film makes clear that the global challenge of climate change is everyone’s concern and that more has to be done, sooner and with more intensity, in order to reign in global temperature rise.

This special screening forms part of EU Climate Diplomacy Week: “Security and Resilience in a damaged climate world".

It will be followed by panel discussion and audience Q&A.

Chair: Prof Mark Howden, Director, ANU Climate Change Institute

18:00 - Opening Address - H.E. Pier Francesco Zazo, Ambassador of Italy and H.E. Kazi Imtiaz Hossain, High Commissioner for Bangladesh

18:20 - Screening of "Thirty Million"

19:00 - Panel discussion

  • Dr Wulf Killmann, German Development Agency, GIZ Program Director Coping with Climate Change in the Pacific Island Region
  • Dr Nerilie Abram, ANU College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
  • Bakhodir Burkhanov, Country Director, UNDP Pacific Office in Fiji
  • Ret Admiral Chris Barrie Adjunct Professor, ANU Strategic & Defence Studies Centre
  • H.E. Kazi Imtiaz Hossain, High Commissioner for Bangladesh

19:20 - Audience Q&A

19:45 - Closing address - Christopher Woodthorpe, Director of the United Nations Information Centre

Updated:  30 August 2019/Responsible Officer:  College of Science/Page Contact: