Student Climate Café: Have your say on ACT’s Climate Strategy

Climate change is already affecting communities around the world. Locally, climate change means longer, hotter summers and more heatwaves, increased risk of bushfires and more variable rainfall.

Join other students to discuss how we create a vibrant, net zero emissions future. A light dinner and good conversation starters will be provided.

Ideas from the event will be used to inform the development of the new ACT Climate Strategy, so come along and have your say.

Antonio Mozqueira, Manager of Climate Change Policy with the ACT Government, will kick off the discussion by briefly outlining the key themes being considered as the ACT develops its new Climate Strategy.

Participants will then discuss in groups:

  1. How can we all change our behaviour (and encourage others) to live more sustainably? 
  2. How can we make the shift to zero emissions transport? 
  3. If the shift to zero emissions is not fully possible with existing technologies and policies, what should the ACT Government do to achieve net-zero emissions ?
  4. Given the changing climate, what do you think we should be doing now to make sure Canberra is a great place to live in 20-30 years’ time?

About Climate Café

Climate Café is a relaxed gathering of people interested in discussing ideas and questions on climate change. It crosses disciplines, is inclusive, jargon-free and fun. Plus there’s free pizza and sushi …..

About the ACT’s Climate Strategy to a Net Zero Emissions Territory

For more information about the strategy, including how to make a submission, visit Your Say.

Registration is FREE

Updated:  2 September 2019/Responsible Officer:  College of Science/Page Contact: