Security and Resilience in a Damaged Climate World

Strategic Insights from the EU and Australia - part of European Climate Diplomacy Week

The seminar facilitated the exchange of best practices between Australian and European practitioners in assessing and integrating climate and resilience issues in security strategies, emergency preparedness & intervention and disaster risk reduction and adaptation to climate change, in particular in the Pacific.

Presenter/Presentation Title Reports available for Download below
Dr Karl Braganza. Braganza (PDF)
Dr Nicolas Regaud. What implications for Defence? Regaud (PDF)
Colonel Bruno Ulliac. French Civil Protection Organisation and Response. Ulliac (PDF)
Mr Mark Crosweller. Are we prepared for catastrophic disasters? Crosweller (PDF)
Dr Lennart Reifels. Disaster Risk Reduction: A view from the European Union. Reifels (PDF)
Dr Wulf Killman. Climate Change & German & EU Cooperation in the Pacific. Killman (PDF)
Mr Bakhodir Burkhanov. UN in the Pacific: Partnership for Resilient Development in the Pacific Island Countries. Burkhanov (PDF)
Dr Francois Gemenne. Climate and Security: A European Perspective. Gemenne (PDF)
EU Climate Diplomacy Week in Australia 2017 Report. Full Report (PDF)

Updated:  30 August 2019/Responsible Officer:  College of Science/Page Contact: