Women in energy

To mark International Women's Day 2024, the ANU Institute of Climate, Energy and Disaster Solutions invites you to hear from leading experts Monique Miller and Michelle Ryan about women in the energy industry and advancing gender equality more broadly.

Join us for light refreshments from 10:30am, followed by presentations and a question and answer session from 11am. The event will be convened by Associate Professor Marnie Shaw, Research Leader at the Battery Storage and Grid Integration Program and Convenor of the Women in Energy group.


About the presentations


A personal transition into the energy transition

Monique will share her career journey starting as an ANU student studying sociology and Australian film and leading some twenty years later to her current role as Chief Investment Officer responsible for investing in renewables and debt markets for the world’s largest “green bank”. She will explore some personal learnings and more general challenges and opportunities for women in the historically male-dominated energy and finance markets.

To Advance gender equality: Use the Evidence

Michelle will describe three common missteps that are made when designing and implementing gender equality initiatives: (1) when we don’t go beyond describing the numbers; (2) when we try to ‘fix’ women rather than fix systems; and (3) when we are overly optimistic about the progress we have made.

About the speakers

Monique Miller is the Chief Investment Officer - Renewables and Sustainable Finance with the Clean Energy Finance Corporation. She leads the CEFC team responsible for the origination and execution of investments in renewables and sustainable finance, overseeing transactions in the areas of renewable energy, storage and debt markets. This includes the new $1 billion Household Energy Upgrades Fund.

Professor Michelle Ryan is a world-renowned gender equality expert, Professor of Social and Organisational Psychology, and the inaugural Director of the Global Institute for Women's Leadership. Her work centres on understanding the psychological processes underlying workplace gender inequality, and designing and implementing innovative and evidence-based interventions to increase gender equality. Download slides here


Cover image by Ben Salter via Flickr




Updated:  6 May 2024/Responsible Officer:  College of Science/Page Contact:  https://iceds.anu.edu.au/contact