Climate Mitigation Policies and Carbon Neutrality in Rep. of Korea

A photograph of the chimneys at a coal-fired power station, with smoke billowing out of them.

Korea has announced its GHGs reduction goals for 2020 in 2009 and for 2030 in 2015. Since its announcement of the GHGs reduction goals, the emission trading system was implemented in 2015. A brief history of national emission reduction target settings is given and the national emission reduction plan and corresponding policies and measures are explored in this presentation. As the major GHGs reduction policy, the experience and the performance of the Korean Emission Trading System is presented.

Korean government submitted its long term low carbon development strategy, “2050 Carbon Neutrality Strategy of the Republic of Korea” in December 2020 to UNFCCC secretariat. This presentation reviews the key components of the 2050 Carbon Neutrality Strategy and investigates the challenges ahead. Transition to carbon neutral economy by 2050 faces a lot of challenges in Korea because it requires very rapid negative growth rate in GHG emissions from now. This presentation will be concluded with the mentioning the importance of the carbon price with significant role of the innovative carbon free technologies from research, development and deployment.

This seminar is organised by Assoc. Prof Duk-Yong Choi of the ANU Research School of Physics and Engineering.


Speaker biography

Professor Seung Jick Yoo has played a principal role in setting the national mid-term greenhouse gas reduction goal up to 2030 as well as the GHGs reduction goal up to 2020 of Republic of Korea from 2008 to 2015. The national greenhouse gas reduction plan up to 2020 was approved by presidential cabinet meeting and announced by former President Lee, Myong-bak in the held in Copenhagen, Denmark in 2009. He has also been deeply involved in the development of national green growth strategies and implementation plan in Korea.

Since Prof Seung Jick Yoo was nominated as the President of Greenhouse Gas Inventory & Research Center of Korea of Ministry of Environment, the principal national agency in management of national and entity level GHGs inventories and setting national, sectoral and entity-level greenhouse gases reduction targets, he has been in charge of publication of annual national inventory, national communications and management of entity-level greenhouse gas emission. He designed and implemented the National Emission Trading System (Korean ETS) and developed national allowances allocation plan and allocated the allowances to the entities in 2014. He also, as the President of GIR, developed the national GHGs emission reduction target up to 2030, which was approved the presidential cabinet meeting under Former President Park, Geun-Hye in 2015.

After moving to Sookmyung Women’s University 20 January 2016, Prof Seung Jick Yoo has been teaching the climate change modeling, environmental and energy policies. He is also deeply involved in the national climate change policy setting and implementation as a member for the committee on Green Growth and the Minister of Environment’s advisory committee. He has published more than 30 research papers in the academic journals classified as SCI/SSCI/SCOUPUS.


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