Drawdown: The most comprehensive plan ever proposed to end global warming


Drawdown: The most comprehensive plan ever proposed to end global warming - Evaluation Report

Australia faces significant social, economic and environmental impacts from climate change across almost every sector.

But to date, the full range and impact of climate solutions have not been explained in a way that bridges the divide between urgency and agency. Thus the aspirations of people who want to enact meaningful solutions remain largely untapped.

Project Drawdown, a non-profit organisation and associated NY Times best-selling book, is dedicated to researching when and how global warming can be reversed. It’s facilitating a broad coalition of researchers, policy makers, business leaders and activists to assemble and present the best available information on climate solutions in order to describe their beneficial financial, social and environmental impact over the next thirty years.

Their goal is to determine whether we can reverse the harmful build-up of carbon in the atmosphere within thirty years.

Paul Hawken, Founder of Project Drawdown and Editor of Drawdown, is in Canberra on a speaking tour. He’ll discuss the key themes of the book and their implications for how we proceed.

A panel of experts will discuss their perspectives and there'll be audience Q&A.

Chair - Professor Mark Howden, Director of the ANU Climate Change Institute.


  • Professor Justin Borevitz, Research School of Biology, ANU
  • Dr Sarah Milne, Crawford School of Public Policy, ANU
  • Dr Will Grant, Australian National Centre for the Public Awareness of Science, ANU

This event will be followed by drinks and light refreshments sponsored by Bank Australia.

About the speakder

Paul Hawken is an author, environmentalist and activist. He has founded successful, ecologically-conscious businesses, and consulted with heads of state and CEOs on economic development, industrial ecology, and environmental policy.

He has written seven books including five national bestsellers: The Next Economy, Growing a BusinessThe Ecology of Commerce, Blessed Unrest and now Drawdown. The Ecology of Commerce was voted as the No.1 college text on business and the environment by professors in 67 business schools. Natural Capitalism: Creating the Next Industrial Revolution, co-authored with Amory and Hunter Lovins, has been referred to by several heads of state including President Bill Clinton who called it one of the most important books in the world at that time.

Updated:  20 August 2019/Responsible Officer:  College of Science/Page Contact:  https://iceds.anu.edu.au/contact