Risk, vulnerability and resilience

Image: Laboo Studio / Shutterstock Flood in Malaysia_shutterstock and Laboo Studio

The risk, vulnerability and resilience cluster will include:

  • governance, policy & planning
  • a framework approach to address all disasters
  • hazard & risk assessment
  • a community focus
  • PPRR at all levels
  • Translation of national and state responses to local levels




Professional staff


Measuring the gaps in drinking water quality and policy across regional and remote Australia, Paul R Wyrwoll, Ana Manero, Katherine S Taylor, Evie Rose and R Quentin Grafton, npj Clean Water.

Designing climate information services to enhance resilient farming activities: Lessons from Papua New Guinea, Rachel S Friedman, Steven J Crimp, Ruth Baiga, Kasis Inape, Ellis Mackenzie and Mark Howden, Frontiers in Climate.

Unfortunate diversions: a policy discourse analysis on the adjustment of the volume of water returned to the environment in the Murray-Darling Basin, Australia, Isobel Bender, Matthew J Colloff, Jamie Pittock, Carina Wyborn, Australasian Journal of Water Resources.

Disaster Risk Reduction in Asia Pacific - Governance, Education and Capacity – new publication, this book brings together interdisciplinary perspectives from across the Asia-Pacific region; focuses on how societies in the Asia-Pacific approach disaster planning, preparation, planning, recovery, and resilience; and addresses different dimensions of Sendai Framework of Disaster Risk Reduction. Edited by Helen James, Rajib Shaw, Vinod Sharma and Anna Lukasiewicz.


Energy insecurity during temperature extremes in remote Australia, Thomas Longden, Simon Quilty, Brad Riley, Lee V. White, Michael Klerck, Vanessa Napaltjari Davis & Norman Frank Jupurrurla, Nature Energy.

Re-framing non-economic losses to non-economic impacts for effective policymaking: evidence from the Caribbean, Melanie Pill, Climate and Development.

Updated:  17 August 2022/Responsible Officer:  College of Science/Page Contact:  https://iceds.anu.edu.au/contact