Kendra Gonzales

Research Fellow
Fenner School of Environment & Society

Charlotte Kendra Gotangco Gonzales (just "Kendra" for short) is currently a Research Fellow at the Fenner School of Environment and Society of the Australian National University, Canberra, Australia. She is working under Dr. Steven Lade on applying earth system analysis to develop a systemic metric of environmental performance for companies and investors.

Kendra also maintains an appointment as Associate Professor at the Dept. of Environmental Science, Ateneo de Manila University. She served as the Program Manager for Climate Change and Disaster Risk at the Ateneo Institute of Sustainability before becoming the AIS Director in 2021-2024. She concurrently served as the Leadership Council Chair of the Sustainable Development Solutions Network Philippines (SDSN PH).

Kendra is a scientific steering group member of the World Climate Research Programme – My Climate Risk (MCR) Lighthouse Activity and collaborates with the MCR Hub based at the Ateneo. She is also a Steering Group member of the Progressing EW4All Oriented to Partnerships and Local Engagement (PEOPLE) Project of World Weather Research Programme. She serves as an editorial board member of Nature Communications Earth and Environment.

Following an undergraduate degree in BS Physics, Minor in Philosophy from the Ateneo de Manila University, she completed a joint Master of Environmental Management Degree from the Ateneo and the University of San Francisco, and a PhD in Earth and Atmospheric Science from Purdue University.

Kendra has broad interests in sustainability, climate and disaster resilience, earth system science specifically on the interactions of land cover and climate, and on relevant applications of systems thinking.


Updated:  30 January 2025/Responsible Officer:  College of Science/Page Contact: