Past events
Past events
Post COP26 - What happened, and where to from here? »
Join us to hear a summary of what happened at the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference, what this means for climate action globally, and where to from here.
Can low consumption lifestyles help us meet climate goals? »
Join us to discuss if low consumption lifestyles could help us meet climate goals, with Game Change Scholarship recipient Rebecca Blackburn.
Energy Conversations: Maximising Consumer Ability to Manage Electricity Demand »
Join us to hear Dr Lee White and others in a panel discussion on the topics of energy efficient homes and how best to maximise consumer ability to manage electricity demand.
New UN Report on Climate Science: Implications for Fiji and the Pacific »
Join us to discuss the main findings of the latest UN report on the science of climate change and its implications for Fiji and the Pacific.
Breastfeeding: where healthy and sustainable food systems begin »
Today’s food systems are contributing to several intersecting health and ecological crises of global concern. Recognising this, many are now calling for transformative, and some even say radical, food systems change.
Energy Conversations: Renewable hydrogen »
A panel of energy researchers and industry representatives give their perspectives on the prospects for renewable hydrogen.
New UN Report on Climate Science: Implications for PNG and the Pacific »
Along with our partners, the University of Papua New Guinea, this event will look at the main main findings of the recent IPCC report and its implications for Papua New Guinea and the Pacific.
IPCC Sixth Assessment Report: An overview of the physical science of climate change for the Pacific »
Along with our partners, the Pacific Climate Change Centre at the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP), this event will look at the main findings of recent IPCC report and its implications for the Pacific.
PhD Seminar - Financing loss and damage from climate change in Small Island Developing States »
Melanie’s PhD project explores option to finance ‘Loss and Damage’ (L&D) from climate change in Small Island Developing States, following the formal inclusion and recognition of the concept under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in 2015.
The IPCC’s latest assessment on climate change: what does it tell us? »
Leading Australian climate scientists discuss the main findings of the latest report from the IPCC, and answer questions such as what does the report tell us we can expect from our climate in coming years?