Past events
Past events
Japan & Australia: opportunities in hydrogen & low-carbon steel »
The seminar offers industry and research perspectives from Japan and Australia on opportunities for collaboration in hydrogen and low-carbon steel.
Offshore Wind Power in Europe & Asia: Is a Single Regulatory Model Emerging? »
This seminar provides an opportunity for exchange of the latest research on legal, regulatory, approaches to governing the role of offshore wind power.
ANU Climate Update 2022 »
ANU Climate Update 2022 will present an overview of how our climate is changing and how we are responding to these changes in Australia and around the world.
ASEAN Outlook for Zero Carbon Energy »
This Energy Transition Dialogue is the first in a series of round table sessions established by the Southeast Asia Energy Transition Partnership (ETP) to bring government, private sector and civil society together and explore ways to accelerate the transition to renewable energy in the region.
Book launch: Rebalancing our Climate - The Future Starts Today »
In Rebalancing Our Climate, Eelco J. Rohling documents a wealth of ways to adjust the trajectory of climate change. He outlines measures to drive massive reductions of greenhouse gas emissions, remove these gases from our atmosphere, and reflect part of the incoming energy from the Sun back into space.
Book Launch: Transitioning to a Prosperous, Resilient & Carbon-Free Economy »
Join us for the launch of Transitioning to a Prosperous, Resilient and Carbon-Free Economy: A Guide for Decision-Makers
Comparing Australian and United States net zero emission trajectories »
In the wake of COP26, this event will compare the decarbonisation trajectories of Australia and the United States.
State of Energy Research Conference 2021 - Accelerating research for a speedy energy transition »
The Energy Research Institutes Council for Australia (ERICA) is running its 2nd national State of Energy Research Conference (SoERC) – the inaugural conference having been held in Canberra in July, 2019.
ANU Solar Oration 2021: The Solar Century – renewable energy’s role in a zero carbon future »
Join us for ANU Solar Oration 2021 to hear from Assistant Prof Marta Victoria and Assoc Prof Matt Stocks on upcoming potential for solar in the decarbonisation of the energy sector.
ANU Energy Update 2021 - Getting to Net Zero »
What role will the energy sector play in the journey to net zero emissions? the 2021 Energy Update explores this question, as well as recent developments in energy research and analysis.