Past events
Past events
Regulating trade in a net-zero world »
Countries with ambitious emissions reductions goals are increasingly eyeing trade-related climate policies to address leakage and competitiveness concerns.
Climate change mitigation co-benefits in the Chinese power sector: How do wealthier and poorer regions differ? »
Join PhD Scholar Xueting Jiang as he discusses the question of how to measure the real co-benefits from emissions reductions, and whether disparity exists for this co-benefit in wealthier and poorer regions in the Chinese electricity sector.
North America’s Heatwave - what happened, and how can we better prepare in future? »
Climate, energy, and health specialists from Australia and North America discuss the North American heatwave.
Distributed Energy Resources Laboratory launch event »
Andrew Barr, Chief Minister for the ACT, will officially open a new facility at ANU, heralding in a new age in the energy transition.
Disaster management leadership and policy making: a critical examination of communitarian and individualistic understandings of resilience and...
Many policy makers today accept that climate change poses substantial risks to human and natural systems and that effective adaptation is essential.
RCNNDA Workshop #4 - Health and Disasters: A Hypothetical Discussion »
Join one or more of our targeted online workshops to discuss how government, industry and society can go about the challenge of implementing the Commission’s wide-ranging recommendations.
The status and next steps of event attribution in Climate Science »
Extreme event attribution is a field of climate science rapidly growing in popularity, despite being relatively new. In event attribution studies, the anthropogenic climate signal of an observed extreme event is determined by comparing the frequency and/or magnitude of the event in factual and counterfactual climates.
RCNNDA Workshop #3 - Civil/military cooperation in the new legal and policy environment »
Join one or more of our targeted online workshops to discuss how government, industry and society can go about the challenge of implementing the Commission’s wide-ranging recommendations.
Celebrating our oceans: From Australia to the Pacific to Antarctica »
To celebrate World Oceans’ Day, join us to learn & discuss the challenges to the health of our oceans & what can be done to protect them.
Climate Mitigation Policies and Carbon Neutrality in Rep. of Korea »
Join us for this presentation, which reviews the key components of the Republic of Korea's 2050 Carbon Neutrality Strategy and investigates the challenges ahead.