Past events
Past events
ANU Climate Update 2021 »
Join us for an overview of how our climate is changing and how we can respond to these changes.
ANU Climate Update 2021 »
The University's flagship climate event. Experts discuss how our climate is changing and how we can respond to these changes.
Preparing for the unprecedented: implementation of the Report of the Royal Commission into National Natural Disaster Arrangements »
Join us for this online webinar to discuss the question of how government, industry and society will go about the challenge of implementing the Bushfire Royal Commission’s wide-ranging recommendations.
The future of US climate policy under a Biden administration: Some implications for Australia »
Dr Morris will discuss the dramatically changed outlook for climate policy in the United States arising from the election of Joe Biden.
ANU Energy Update 2020 »
Presented by the ANU Energy Change Institute in cooperation with the Energy Research Institutes Council for Australia (ERICA).
Celebrating Antarctica: climate change, biodiversity, and science »
Join us in celebrating Antarctica Day with a panel discussion on the importance of the region, and how it is impacted by climate change.
Delivering on the Paris Climate Agreement – looking ahead to Glasgow »
On 12 December, 2015, the Paris Climate Agreement was signed by 197 countries, representing every nation on Earth. Now, almost five years later, how is the world tracking to meet the targets set out in the agreement? How are other countries ratcheting up climate action?
Knowledge to action and action to knowledge: how collaborative processes can address climate change »
In this panel session we will discuss how these collaborative processes work in practice and what are the ingredients for success. We will draw on the experience of both ANU researchers and their counterparts outside of academia who have conducted transdisciplinary research related to climate change.
EPBC Act: Federal environment reform in an age of climate crisis »
An interim review of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation (EBPC) Act found the law is "ineffective" amid the current "unsustainable" environmental trajectory. Join this College of Law expert panel as they discuss these issues and more.
Compound, Cascading and Lingering Disasters - Panel 2 »
Addressing complex risk and disasters and enabling resilience