Indigenous peoples, cultures and knowledges

Image: Shutterstock Indigenous Peoples, culture and knowledge, Shutterstock

The knowledges and cultures of Indigenous peoples, damaged and dismissed by the colonial project, bring country-centred perspectives to mitigating and managing the impacts of climate change and other environmental challenges.  This cluster frames its work through Indigenous protocols and governance.


Forgotten Crises’ as Forgotten Sites of Knowledge Production for Building Lasting Peace, Maria Tanyag, Disasters, 48(1), e12632

A Just Energy Transition for Indigenous Peoples: From Ideal Deliberation to Fairness in Canada and Australia, F Rioux-Gobeil & A Thomassin, Energy Research & Social Science.


Women’s land rights, gendered epistemic tensions, and the need for a feminist approach to land administration, Serene Ho, Maria Tanyag and Elisa Scalise, Land Use Policy, 132(106841), 1-8

Submission to the Senate Environment and Communications Legislation Committee Inquiry into the Nature Repair Market Bill 2023, J Altman.


Climate Change Adaptation in The Gambia: The Role of Kanyeleng Communication and Performance, Bonnie McConnell & Sheikh Omar Jallow, African Studies Review.

Renewable hydrogen will be produced on land traditionally owned by First Nations people: will its owners benefit?, Lily O’Neill, Fiona J Beck, Wenting Cheng, Australian Environment Review.

Aboriginal Community Governance on the Frontlines and Faultlines in the Black Summer Bushfires, Bhiamie Williamson, ANU Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research.


Energy insecurity during temperature extremes in remote Australia, Thomas Longden, Simon Quilty, Brad Riley, Lee V. White, Michael Klerck, Vanessa Napaltjari Davis & Norman Frank Jupurrurla, Nature Energy.


Updated:  21 August 2024/Responsible Officer:  College of Science/Page Contact: