Fabienne Rioux-Gobeil

Since my undergraduate studies in geography I have been interested in the interrelation between humans and territories. In my master’s thesis in environmental sciences, I have tried to explain the governance of the decentralized energetic renewable sector and its relationship to territory. One of my main conclusions has been that citizen participation is an important tool for overcoming challenges of coherence and coordination generated by the multiplication of decentralized production sites. My master’s research provided important insights, but the questions of citizenship participation need to be critically analyzed and relativized in Indigenous context, a concern I aim to explore in my doctoral research. Being Canadian myself, I am comparing two decentralized renewable energy projects developed by Indigenous communities in Australia and in Canada. This comparison will certainly help to identify obstacles and opportunities related to the governance of such projects, in which relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous take a central place.
Research interests
- Energy transition’s governance
- Socio-territorial dynamics of renewable energy systems
- Deliberation process around the implementation of energy-climate policies and projects
- Relationships between energy transition’s key actors
- Relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples
- Environmental and Climate justice
- Intercultural cooperation for climate change adaptation
- Leader, Indigenous peoples, cultures and knowledges
- Student, Energy economics and policy
- Student, Law, governance and institutions