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Professor Joe Coventry
Dr Nick Cox
Dr Steven Crimp
Dr Charlie Crimston
Associate Professor Barry Croke
Dr Mark Crosweller AFSM
Professor Andres Cuevas
Professor Phil Cummins
A photograph of Phil Cummins, smiling and looking towards the camera.
Associate Professor Kim Cunio
A photograph of Kim Cunio, smiling and looking towards the camera.
Dr Ivana Damjanovic
Ms Kathryn Dan
Professor Katherine Daniell
Professor Hugh Davies
Mr Clem Davis
Dr Amy Dawel
Professor Patrick De Deckker
Quanling Deng
Professor Tim Denham
A photograph of Prof Tim Denham outside, looking towards the left of the camera.
Dr Priya Dev
Emeritus Professor Bob Dewar
Professor Roderick Dewar
Associate Professor Michael Djordjevic
Dr Thang Do
Dr Huan Doan
Professor Stephen Dovers
Associate Professor Christian Downie
Emeritus Professor Peter Drahos
Emeritus Professor Peter Drysdale
Dr Annabel Dulhunty
Mr David Dumaresq


Updated:  29 April 2021/Responsible Officer:  College of Science/Page Contact: