Past events
Past events
Australia-China Decarbonisation Roundtable »
Roundtable exploring existing and future collaboration between Australia and China on decarbonisation. Leading experts will discuss Green Steel, Green Hydrogen and Critical Minerals & Downstream Processing.
ANU Disaster Solutions Update 2023 »
The ANU Disaster Solutions Update 2023 will explore the latest developments in transformational solutions to disasters that aim to prepare us for worst case scenarios.
Building a national adaptation reform agenda: what is needed? »
The ICEDS sponsored session at the Climate Adaptation 2023 conference explores the prospects for far-reaching and transformative adaptation reforms.
Designing the energy system with people: a new social contract? »
The Battery Storage and Grid Integration Program at the Australian National University is hosting an event to discuss how people should be involved in the development of energy system reforms.
Game Change Webinar: How can we defend Australia from disasters? »
In our next Game Change Webinar, Dr Roslyn Prinsley will provide an overview of some exciting new transformational solutions that are Game-Changers in helping prevent and reduce the risk of climate-fuelled disasters.
Riverina Climate Update 2023 »
Riverina Climate Update will present an overview of how our climate is changing and how we are responding to these changes, with a focus on the solutions available to the Riverina region and community.
Disruptive Technologies: The implications of decarbonisation in the Indo-Pacific for Australia’s strategic Interests »
ANU researchers discuss the implications of decarbonisation in the Indo-Pacific for Australia’s strategic Interests.
World Environment Day: Analysing Commercial Milk Formula’s Footprints »
Join us for the launch of the Green Feeding Tool - a downloadable tool that calculates the carbon and water footprints of countries’ different infant feeding practices. It shows the environmental gains from policy scenarios that enable women and infants to exclusively breastfeed for the first six months.
Corporate Climate Risks: The Scientific and Business Imperative for Action »
A panel of experts will discuss the urgent need for businesses to identify and address climate risks, embrace opportunities emerging from the global shift to a low-carbon economy, and actively engage in climate action.
Suburb Zero ACT launch »
Join Independent Senator for the ACT, David Pocock, inventor and author Saul Griffith and a panel of local energy experts as we discuss the Suburb Zero initiative and the ideas behind it.