Check out our calendar of events and participate in our seminars and public lectures.
Past events
Pacific Dialogue on IPCC Synthesis Report: Key Findings from this 7-year cycle »
Integrating the last 7 years of climate science, this report provides a comprehensive understanding of climate change drivers, impacts, and options for adapting to and limiting climate change. Join us to hear diverse perspectives on the IPCC work and its role in supporting climate decision-making across the Pacific.
The IPCC Synthesis Report: Key findings from this 7-year cycle »
A panel event on the IPCC Synthesis report key findings, and the urgent action required to address the challenges of climate change.
ANU New Research Showcase: Climate, Energy & Disasters »
Join us for a showcase of innovative research projects seed funded by The Australian National University (ANU) in 2022 into the challenges of climate change, the energy transition, and disasters.
ANU Climate Update 2023 »
ANU Climate Update 2023 will present an overview of how our climate is changing and how we are responding to these changes in Australia and around the world.
State of Energy Research Conference »
The third national State of Energy Research Conference will focus on partnership and collaboration – between researchers, with industry, with the innovation ecosystem, with the finance system and with communities.
Master of Energy Change / Master of Climate Change webinar - ANU Virtual Open Week »
Are you looking to further your studies, or make a career change into a field where you can make a real difference? Join us at the ANU Virtual Open Week to hear about the Master...
Master of Climate Change/ Master of Energy Change webinar »
Join us at the ANU Virtual Open Week to hear about the Master of Climate Change and Master of Energy Change programs that are offered by the Australian National University.
In conversation with Rebecca Huntley »
Rebecca Huntley in conversation with Andrew Leigh on Rebecca's new book, How to Talk About Climate Change in a Way That Makes a Difference.
Climate Change - Strategies for emotional wellbeing »
Join us in this event to hear from clinical psychologists, Dr Bronwyn Gresham and Dr Susie Burke, as they discuss techniques and strategies for dealing with the complex emotions associated with climate change and its impacts.
Heat waves and heat stress: the role of urban greening in planning for a rapidly warming world »
Heat waves and heat stress: the role of urban greening in planning for a rapidly warming world
TEDxCanberraCountdown: Flattening the Climate Curve »
"Flatten the curve!" Our community's motto for dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic has shown what can be accomplished when we act with solidarity, determination and kindness. Now, let's come together and use the same spirit to #JoinTheCountdown. Let's change climate change!
Requiem for a Reef »
Requiem for a Reef is a collaborative and immersive work of advocacy for the endangered Great Barrier Reef by artist Ngaio Fitzpatrick, composer Alexander Hunter and nine musicians. The evening will consist of a performance, followed by a Q&A with Ngaio.
Special Event - Disasters as Transformative Opportunities »
Disasters as Transformative Opportunities: Indigenous Australians and Taiwanese communities recovering and rebuilding stronger
Meet the author - In conversation with Paddy Manning »
Paddy Manning will be in conversation with Helen Haines on Paddy’s new book Body Count. How Climate Change is Killing Us.
COVID-19 and Climate Change: Pacific impacts and climate negotiations »
Join us for this online event with international relations experts Hon. Prof Howard Bamsey and Prof Meg Keen, to discuss learnings from and implications of COVID-19 for global climate negotiations, and climate action and responses in the Pacific.
Climate Change Adaptation in Asia and the Pacific: Is Gender Relevant? »
This symposium is an opportunity to explore the role, influence and impact of gender on climate change adaptation, using a combination of presentations, performances, videos, artworks and audience Q&A sessions.
Visit SPIDER and learn how to make a small sun on Earth »
Hot Days and the (In)Ability to Work »
The ability to work is central to most economic and social outcomes. Using data from the Indian Human Development Survey (IHDS-II), with the scheduling in advance of interviews ensuring quasi-random assignment of temperature treatment to respondent.
A Clean Planet for All - A European Strategic Long-term Vision for a Prosperous, Modern, Competitive and Climate Neutral Economy »
The presentation will introduce the main aspects of the EU long-term vision and the process leading to the submission of the EU mid-Century strategy to the UNFCCC.
Climate Café: How you can improve your health by acting on climate change »
Dr Arnagretta Hunter will kick off discussion with a short presentation, followed by small group discussion.
Move to Zero: Film Screening and Discussion »
Join Party Leader of Australian Dance Party, Alison Plevey, Dr Kate Auty, Commissioner for Sustainability and the Environment in the ACT and Will Grant, Centre for the Public Awareness of Science in discussion. A focussed viewing of Australian Dance Party's Move to Zero films will accompany the discussions.
Portents of climate tipping points in the atmosphere-ocean system »
Linear global temperature projections portrayed by the IPCC for 2100 to 2300 are examined in perspective of the history of the atmosphere-ocean system during the last 800,000 years. Previous interglacial periods display sharp transient cooling (stadials) events in the wake of peak temperatures, consequent on the flow of cold ice melt water from the major ice sheets into the oceans.
Solar System Walk-Out »
Join artist John Reid and curator Ngaio Fitzpatrick in a concluding event to the Gaia Hypothesis exhibition at Belconnen Arts Centre; Walk-Out into the Solar System for a group, one-minute, 1,800 km journey relative to the Sun in protest at the mining of coal in the Galilee Basin, Queensland.
Coal, climate change mitigation and populism »
In order to fulfil international climate targets, across the globe coal used in the energy sector will need to be phased out until mid-century, at the latest.
Why forests? Why now? The science, economics, and politics of tropical forests and climate change »
Tropical forests are an undervalued asset in meeting the greatest global challenges of our time—averting climate change and promoting sustainable development. Despite their importance, tropical forests and their ecosystems are being destroyed at a high and even increasing rate in most forest-rich countries.
Mobilising Civil Society: Can the Fossil Fuel Divestment Movement Achieve Transformational Social Change? »
The divestment movement is at the forefront of civil society initiatives to raise public consciousness about climate change.
Creativity and Climate Change Action Workshop »
How do we effectively and creatively share calls for environmental stewardship and justice in Oceania with diverse global audiences? Students, artists, writers, scholars and policy makers are invited to participate in this workshop with acclaimed spoken word poet and environmental activist Kathy Jetnil-Kijiner.
Climate Cafe: Carbon Farming vs Biodiversity - Can we do both? »
Over the last ten years, there have been various Australian Government programs to support "carbon farming" of trees to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Climate Café: Why is Australia's electricity system in such a mess? »
With power outages occurring in various Australian states, electricity is becoming an increasingly contested issue.
Understanding stakeholder conflict: Lessons from a wind energy dispute in King Island, Tasmania »
In 2012, Hydro Tasmania proposed a large scale, 600 megawatt, wind energy development in King Island, Tasmania.
Hot, hot, hot: Australia’s future extreme temperatures »
In this talk, Sophie Lewis will investigate these human influences on past, present and future extreme climate events in Australia. How have recent hot extremes compared to cold extremes? Will future temperatures be more extreme and how so? Are recent extremes a sign of a new normal?
Climate Change and Ecological Security »
There is increasing engagement with the relationship between climate change and security in international relations thought and practice. Yet the nature of this engagement differs significantly, illustrating radically different conceptions of the nature of the threat posed, to whom and (most importantly) what constitute appropriate policy responses.
Climate Emergency Declaration »
Climate Emergence Declaration cohosted by Engineers Australia and the ANU Climate Change Institute.
Indigenous Peoples' climate Justice Movements »
The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe’s effort to block the Dakota Access Pipeline is among the most recent Indigenousled movements connected to climate justice. This seminar seeks to provide an overview of the many different Indigenous-led efforts to achieve climate justice.