Solar System Walk-Out

Part of Gaia Hypothesis

Join artist John Reid and curator Ngaio Fitzpatrick in a concluding event to the Gaia Hypothesis exhibition at Belconnen Arts Centre; Walk-Out into the Solar System for a group, one-minute, 1,800 km journey relative to the Sun in protest at the mining of coal in the Galilee Basin, Queensland.

Participants adopt a strident walking pose for one silent, perfectly still, contemplative minute to traverse the Solar System together on planet Earth, moving at over 1,800 km per minute. Walking the Solar System is an exercise in imagining our physical immersion in the vast expanse of space. No one will get lost. Everyone returns as a confirmed Solurban Citizen convinced of the priceless real estate value of our planet.

Please register number of walkers by emailing (subject heading ‘Solar Walkout’) by Friday 8 March. The Walk-Out will be photographically documented as an artwork and for media distribution.

Updated:  20 August 2019/Responsible Officer:  College of Science/Page Contact: