Check out our calendar of events and participate in our seminars and public lectures.
Past events
Australia, climate change & the pandemic »
With governments around the world still deep in the struggle against COVID 19, there has been little time for issues that dominated policy debates before the pandemic.
Australia, climate change and the pandemic »
The ANU Crawford Leadership Forum presents the 'Big Picture Series: Australia in a COVID-19 world'.
Fiscal stimulus for low-carbon compatible COVID-19 recovery: criteria for infrastructure investment in Australia »
In this webinar, we researchers at the ANU Crawford School's Centre for Climate & Energy Policy present new research that proposes a set of criteria for economic stimulus...
Fiscal stimulus for low-carbon compatible COVID-19 recovery: criteria for infrastructure investment in Australia »
This webinar will present new research that proposes a set of criteria for economic stimulus through public investments as part of a COVID-19 recovery, to identify options that create jobs and support economic, are consistent with a low-carbon transition, and bring broader economic, environmental and social benefits.
Indonesian Students' webinar: Master of Energy Change / Master of Climate Change »
The Australian National University presents a special Indonesia-focused webinar explaining the ANU Master of Climate Change & Master of Energy Change programs.
Webinar: Finding agency and action in a time of ecological crisis »
What would it look like if climate activism acknowledged that our existing democratic norms and institutions will not deliver the scale and pace of change necessary, and are also fundamentally ill-suited to enabling human survival as ecologies collapse?
Energy Essentials for Professionals Short Course »
The ANU Energy Change Institute will deliver a four-day Energy Essentials Professional Short Course from 15 to 18 June 2020. Each session will last 90 minutes. Special Early Bird...
Which way for the Technology Investment Roadmap? »
The ANU Energy Change Institute and Climate Change Institute present an open public forum on 12 June on the Australian Government’s recently released 2020 Technology Investment Roadmap discussion paper.
Which way for the Technology Investment Roadmap? »
The ANU Energy Change Institute and Climate Change Institute presented an open public forum on 12 June on the Australian Government’s recently released 2020 Technology Investment Roadmap discussion paper.
COVID-19 and Climate Change: Parallels and disconnects »
Recent months have seen the COVID-19 pandemic emerge as a global crisis requiring immediate, wide-spread and evidence-based action. As countries have taken drastic measures to curb the spread of the virus, comparisons have arisen between the global response to COVID-19 and climate change.