Move to Zero: Film Screening and Discussion

How can dance, performed live and/or in combination with other media, communicate and empower action on climate change? How can we harness the power of art in this climate emergency?

Join Party Leader of Australian Dance Party, Alison Plevey, Dr Kate Auty, Commissioner for Sustainability and the Environment in the ACT and Will Grant, Centre for the Public Awareness of Science in discussion. A focussed viewing of Australian Dance Party's Move to Zero films will accompany the discussions.

Background: The ACT aims to be carbon neutral by 2045 at the latest. An ambitious and necessary target to ensure safe futures for the environment and our communities. With support from scientists, arts organisations, Canberra businesses and the ACT Government, Australian Dance Party recently created an interactive video campaign (#movetozero), motivating the whole community to make simple changes and transition to zero emissions. Since the launch of the campaign in August, the films have been viewed over 80k times worldwide and are contributing significantly to the artistic movement for climate activism.

Presented by Art, Not Apart Festival, Australian Dance Party, ANU Climate Change Institute and Commissioner for Sustainability and the Environment.

Updated:  20 August 2019/Responsible Officer:  College of Science/Page Contact: