Journal Articles
- Long Chu, Thang Nam Do, Thi Ha Lien Le, Quoc Anh Ho, Khoi Dang, Carbon border adjustment mechanism, carbon pricing, and within-sector shifts: A partial equilibrium approach to Vietnam's steel sector, Energy Policy, Volume 193 (August 2024) [Journal Article]
- Dan Virah-Sawmy, Fiona J. Beck, Bjorn Sturmberg, Ignore variability, overestimate hydrogen production – Quantifying the effects of electrolyzer efficiency curves on hydrogen production from renewable energy sources, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Volume 72, (June 2024) [Journal Article]
- Lee V. White, Emma Aisbett, Oscar Pearce, Wenting Cheng, Principles for embedded emissions accounting to support trade-related climate policy, Climate Policy, (May 2024) [Journal Article]
- Thang Nam Do, Paul J Burke, Phasing out coal power in two major Southeast Asian thermal coal economies: Indonesia and Vietnam, Energy for Sustainable Development, Volume 80, (June 2024) [Journal Article]
- M. Shahabuddin, Alireza Rahbari, Shabnam Sabah, Geoffrey Brooks, John Pye, M. Akbar Rhamdhani, Process modelling for the production of hydrogen-based direct reduced iron in shaft furnaces using different ore grades, Ironmaking & Steelmaking: Processes, Products and Applications, (May 2024) [Journal Article]
- Shabnam Sabah, M. Shahabuddin, Alireza Rahbari, Geoffrey Brooks, John Pye, M. Akbar Rhamdhani, Effect of gangue on CO2 emission for different decarbonisation pathways, Ironmaking & Steelmaking: Processes, Products and Applications, Volume 51, Issue 4, (April 2024) [Journal Article]
- Louise Bardwell, Alireza Rahbari,Ye Wang, Martin Amidy, John Pye, Piggery waste to sustainable fuels via indirect supercritical water gasification and membrane reforming at 600 °C: a techno-economic assessment, Sustainable Energy & Fuels, (March 2024) [Journal Article]
- Thang Nam Do, Insider perspectives on Southeast Asiaʼs clean energy transition, Asia & the Pacific Policy Studies, (March 2024) [Journal Article]
- Lee V. White, Bradley Riley, Sally Wilson, Francis Markham, Lily O’Neill, Michael Klerck, Vanessa Napaltjari Davis, Geographies of regulatory disparity underlying Australia’s energy transition, Nature Energy, (January 2024) [Journal Article]
- Tong Zhang, Paul J Burke, Qi Wang, Effectiveness of electric vehicle subsidies in China: A three-dimensional panel study, Resource and Energy Economics, 76, 101424, (January 2024) [Journal Article]
- Falko Ueckerdt, Philipp C.Verpoort, Rahul Anantharaman, Christian Bauer, Fiona Beck, Thomas Longden, Simon Roussanaly, On the cost competitiveness of blue and green hydrogen, Joule, (January 2024) [Journal Article]
Short Articles
- Thang Nam Do, International cooperation is critical to Southeast Asia’s clean energy transition, East Asia Forum (June 2024) [Short Article]
Working Papers
- Reza Fazeli, Sophie Burgess, Llewelyn Hughes, Fiona Beck, Co-Combustion of Ammonia in Coal-Fired Power Plants in ASEAN, [Working Paper]
- Thang Nam Do, Insider Perspectives on Southeast Asia's Clean Energy Transition (ZCWP 03-24) (PDF, 527 KB) [Working Paper]
- Lee V. White, Emma Aisbett, Oscar Pearce and Wenting Cheng, Principles for embedded emissions accounting to support trade-related climate policy (ZCWP 02-24) (PDF, 941 KB) [Working Paper]
- Christopher Jackson and Emma Aisbett, Multi-Criteria Analysis for Green Industrial Policy: methodology for application to Australia’s Guarantee of Origin Scheme? (ZCWP 01-24) (PDF, 2.13 MB) [Working Paper]
Policy Briefs
- Lee V. White, Bradley Riley, Sally Wilson, Francis Markham, Lily O’Neill, Michael Klerck and Vanessa Napaltjari Davis, Regulatory disparities disadvantage remote Australian communities in energy transition, Nature Energy, Volume 9, (January 2024) [Policy brief]
- Emma Aisbett, Hina Aslam, Ken Baldwin, Reza Fazeli, Jorrit Gosens, Frank Jotzo, Lorrae McArthur, John Pye, Alireza Rahbari, Dharani Sabba, Response to DISR consultation paper ‘Unlocking green metals opportunities for a Future Made in Australia’, July 2024 [Submission]
- Lee V. White, Brad Riley, Sally Wilson, Michael Klerck and Vanessa Napaltjari Davis, submission in response to: Essential Services Commission of South Australia (ESCOSA) on Review of small-scale network reporting requirements and prescribed customer consumer protections, February 2024 [Submission]
Journal Articles
- Llewelyn Hughes, Thomas Longden, Offshore wind power in the Asia-Pacific: Expert elicitation on costs and policies, Energy Policy, Volume 184, (November 2023) [Journal Article]
- Paul J. Burke, Comment on "Implications of deglobalization on energy and carbon neutrality in Asia and the Pacific region", Asian Economic Policy Review, [In press]
- Astha Sharma, Thomas Longden, Kylie Catchpole, Fiona J. Beck, Comparative techno-economic analysis of different PV-assisted direct solar hydrogen generation systems, Energy and Environmental Science, (August 2023) [Journal article]
- Emma Aisbett, Wyatt Raynal, Ralf Steinhauser, Bruce Jones, International Green Economy Collaborations: chasing mutual gains in the energy transition, Energy Research and Social Science, Volume 104, 103249, (August 2023) [Journal article]
- Naufal Rospriandana, Paul J. Burke, Amalia Suryani, M. Husni Mubarok, Miranda A. Pangestu, Over a century of small hydropower projects in Indonesia: A historical review, Energy, Sustainability and Society, Volume 13, Article 30 (August 2023) [Journal article]
- Wenting Cheng, Kai Zhang, Setting ‘green’ boundaries for Chinese green finance: Multi-level governance and regulatory stringency, Environmental Policy and Governance, (July 2023) [Journal article]
- Bradley Riley, Lee V. White, Simon Quilty, Thomas Longden, Norman FrankJupurrurla, Serena Morton Nabanunga & Sally Wilson, Connected: rooftop solar, prepay and reducing energy insecurity in remote Australia, Australian Geographer, (June 2023) [Journal article]
- Thang Nam Do, Paul J. Burke, Bin Lu, Harnessing solar and wind for sustainable cross-border electricity trade in the Greater Mekong Subregion, Frontiers in Environmental Science, Volume 11 (June 2023) [Journal article]
- Bradley Riley, Lee V. White, Sally Wilson, Michael Klerck, Vanessa Napaltjari-Davis, Simon Quilty, Thomas Longden, Norman Frank Jupurrurla, Morgan Harrington, Disconnected during disruption: Energy insecurity of Indigenous Australian prepay customers during the COVID-19 pandemic, Energy Research & Social Science, 99, 103049 (March 2023) [Journal article]
- Wenting Cheng, The green investment principles: from a nodal governance perspective, International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics, (March 2023) [Journal article]
- Thang Nam Do, Paul J. Burke, Phasing out coal power in a developing country context: Insights from Vietnam, Energy Policy, Volume 176 (May 2023) [Journal article]
- Alireza Rahbari, Armando Fontalvo, John Pye, Solar-thermal beneficiation of iron ore: System-level dynamic simulation and techno-economic optimisation, Applied Thermal Engineering, Volume 223, (March 2023) [Journal article]
- Paul J. Burke, On the way out: Government revenues from fossil fuels in Australia, Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Volume 67, Issue 1 (January 2023) [Journal article]
- Mara Hammerle, Lee V. White, Bjorn Sturmberg, Solar for renters: Investigating investor perspectives of barriers and policies, Energy Policy, Volume 174 (January 2023) [Journal article]
- Thang Nam Do, Paul J. Burke, Is ASEAN ready to move to multilateral cross-border electricity trade?, Asian Pacific Viewpoint, ISSN 1360-7456 (2023) [Journal Article]
Short Articles
Frank Jotzo, Stay cool, calm and collected about an ‘Australian IRA’, Financial Review, (September 2023) [Short article]
Thang Nam Do, Policy plays pivotal role in facilitating transitioning towards cleaner energy sources: expert, Vietnam News, (September 2023) [Short article]
Frank Jotzo, Michelle Lyons, Global Stocktake: Unlocking trillions for climate action, The Interpreter, (September 2023) [Short article]
Andrew Blakers, Nicholas Gilmore, Rural Australia is pockmarked with small dams. Researchers say they could also be 'batteries', ABC News, (September 2023) [Short article]
Andrew Blakers, Ricardo Rüther, Declining populations free up agricultural land for large amounts of solar in densely populated countries, PV Magazine, (September 2023) [Short article]
Hina Aslam, Emma Aisbett, Why embedded emissions accounting is key to unleashing the power of circularity, World Economic Forum Agenda Blog, (September 2023) [Short article]
Simon Quilty, Brad Riley, Lee White, Norman Frank Jupurrurla, Many First Nations communities swelter without power. Why isn’t there solar on every rooftop?,The Conversation, (June 2023) [ Short article]
Bjorn Sturmberg, Lee White, and Mara Hammerle, Electricity prices are rising again. Here’s how to ensure renters can cash-in on rooftop solar, The Conversation, ( May 2023) [Short article]
Working Papers
- Thang Nam Do, Ta Dinh Thi, Vietnam’s Environmental Policy: A 30-year critical review, (ZCWP 04-23) (PDF, 1100 KB) [Working Paper]
- Llewelyn Hughes, Thomas Longden, Yeliz Simsek, Coal and gas futures in the Asia-Pacific: Analysis of the impact of climate policy and technological pathways on the energy mix of China, India, Japan, South Korea and Indonesia, (ZCWP 03-23) (PDF, 1490 KB) [Working Paper]
- Llewelyn Hughes, Thomas Longden, Yeliz Simsek, Climate Change and National Security: The Potential Application of Integrated Assessment Models, (ZCWP 02-23) (PDF, 767 KB) [Working Paper]
- Emma Aisbett, Wyatt Raynal, Bruce Jones, International Green Economy Collaborations: helping the energy transition go global? (ZCWP 01-23) (PDF, 682.73 KB) [Working Paper]
- Lee White, Emma Aisbett, Kenneth Baldwin, Reza Fazeli and Fiona Beck submitted a response to Australia’s Guarantee of Origin Scheme Design, (October 2023) [Submission]
- Kenneth Baldwin and Kylie Catchpole, submitted response on the Integrated System Plan Stakeholder Consultation Paper, (October 2023) [Submission]
- Lee White, Lorrae McArthur, Alireza Rahbari, Jorrit Gosens, Fiona Beck, Kenneth Baldwin, Emma Aisbett, Brad Riley and Reza Fazeli, submitted response to Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation on Western Australia’s Renewable Hydrogen Strategy Refresh: Stakeholder Consultation Paper 2023, (October 2023) [Submission]
- Bin Lu, Lee White, Timothy Weber, Anna Nadolny, Yuan Peng, Wenting Cheng, Igor Skryabin, Brad Riley, Kenneth Baldwin, Genevieve Newey, Clare de Castella, Elizabeth Ratnam, Bjorn Sturmberg, Submission to the ACT’s Integrated Energy Plan, (September 2023) [Submission]
- Fiona J. Beck, Lee White, Lorrae McArthur, Wenting Cheng, Brad Riley, Emma Aisbett, Submission to the Hydrogen Headstart Consultation, (August 2023) [Submission]
- Fiona J. Beck, Lee White, Lorrae McArthur, Wenting Cheng, Brad Riley, Emma Aisbett, Kenneth Baldwin, Reza Fazeli, Alireza Rabhari, Submission to the Hydrogen Strategy Review, (August 2023) [Submission]
- Valerie Cooms, Brad Riley, Sally Wilson, Lee White, Submission in response to: AER (Retail Law) Performance Reporting Procedures and Guidelines – Issues Paper July 2023, (August 2023) [Submission]
- Sally Wilson, Brad Riley, Lee White, Bjorn Sturmberg, Submission in response to: Department for Energy and Mining South Australia’s Green Paper on the energy transition, (August 2023) [Submission]
- Sally Wilson, Lee White, Brad Riley, Submission to Queensland Competition Authority in response to Review of Guaranteed Service Levels to apply in Queensland from 1 July 2025 – Consultation Paper, (May 2023) [Submission]
- Brad Riley, Sally Wilson, Lee White, Submission to Utilities Commission of the Northern Territory in response to Electricity Industry Performance Code (Standards of Service and Guaranteed Service Levels) Review - Draft Decision Paper, (March 2023) [Submission]
- Sally Wilson, Brad Riley, Lee White, Submission to Economic Regulation Authority (ERA) in response to Amended Financial Hardship Policy Guidelines – Electricity Licences, (February 2023) [Submission]
- Brad Riley, Lee White, Thomas Longden, Sally Wilson, Simon Quilty, Michael Klerck, Vanessa Napaltjari Davis, Norman Frank Jupururla, Submission in response to: National Energy Performance Strategy: Consultation Paper, (February 2023) [Submission]
- Emma Aisbett contributed to the terms - Green Protectionism, Green Industrial Policy, Green Trade Policy, Trade-related climate policy, Trade liberalization in the book, Dictionary of Ecological Economics: Terms for the New Millennium, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023 [Book]
Lee V. White, David Gourlay, Emma Aisbett, Chapter 1.2 - Potential market failures inhibiting the development of a green hydrogen export industry in the book, Towards Hydrogen Infrastructure: Advances and Challenges in Preparing for the Hydrogen Economy, Elsevier, ISBN 9780323955539, 2023 [Book Chapter]
Policy Briefs
- Lee White, Emma Aisbett, and Jinnie Widnyana, Treatment of negative emissions within embedded emissions accounting, (October 2023) [Policy Brief]
- Tuyu Zhou, Jorrit Gosens, and Frank Jotzo, China's EV plans, (April 2023) [Policy Brief]
Journal Articles
- Jorrit Gosens, Alex B.H. Turnbull, A protocol to determine the least cost supply of coal to China with an installation-level optimization model, STAR Protocols, Volume 3(4) (November 2022) [Journal article]
- Christian Downie, Geopolitical leverage in the energy transition: A framework for analysis and the case of Australian electricity exports, Energy Research & Social Science, Volume 93 (November 2022) [Journal article]
- Yuan Peng and Xuemei Bai, Cities leading hydrogen energy development: the pledges and strategies of 39 Chinese cities, npj Urban Sustainability, Volume 2 (September 2022) [Journal article]
- Cheng Cheng, Natalia Pereira Gutierrez, Andrew Blakers and Matthew Stocks, GIS-based solar and wind resource assessment and least-cost 100% renewable electricity modelling for Bolivia, Energy for Sustainable Development, Volume 69 (August 2022) [Journal article]
- Alison Reeve, Emma Aisbett, National accounting systems as a foundation for embedded emissions accounting in trade-related climate policies, Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 371 (August 2022) [Journal Article]
- Reza Fazeli, Fiona Beck, Matthew Stocks, Recognizing the role of uncertainties in the transition to renewable hydrogen, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Volume 47, (July 2022) [Journal article]
- Cheng, Wenting, Intellectual Property and International Clean Technology Diffusion: Pathways and Prospects, Asian Journal of International Law , Volume 12 , Issue 2 , pp. 370 – 402 (July 2022) [Journal Article]
- Emma Aisbett, Wyatt Raynal, Bruce Jones, International Green Economy Collaborations, Energy Proceedings, Volume 25: Accelerated Energy Innovations and Emerging Technologies (July 2022) [Journal article]
- Thang Nam Do, Paul J. Burke, Llewelyn Hughes, Ta Dinh Thi, Policy Options for Offshore Wind Power in Vietnam, Marine Policy, Volume 141 (July 2022) [Journal Article]
- Keigan Demaria, Bjorn C. P. Sturmberg, Brad Riley, Francis Markham, Exploring the feasibility of electric vehicle travel for remote communities in Australia, Australian Geographer, Volume 53 – Issue 2 (July 2022) [Journal Article]
- Lee White, Andre L. Carrel, Wei Shi, Nicole D Sintov, Why are charging stations associated with electric vehicle adoption? Untangling effects in three United States metropolitan areas, Energy Research and Social Science, Volume 89 (July 2022) [Journal Article]
- Paul Burke, Fiona Beck, Emma Aisbett, Kenneth Baldwin, Matthew Stocks, John Pye, Mahesh Venkataraman, Janet Hunt, Zuemei Bai, Contributing to regional decarbonization: Australia’s potential to supply zero-carbon commodities to the Asia-Pacific. Energy, Volume 248, 123563 (June 2022) [Journal Article]
- David F. Silalahi, Andrew Blakers, Bin Lu, Cheng Cheng, Indonesia’s Vast Off-River Pumped Hydro Energy Storage Potential, Energies, 15, 3457 (May 2022) [Journal Article]
- Mahesh Venkataraman, Zsuzsanna Csereklyei, Emma Aisbett, Alireza Rahbari, Frank Jotzo, Michael Lord, John Pye, Zero-carbon steel production: The opportunities and role for Australia, Energy Policy, Volume 163 (April 2022) [Journal Article]
- Jorrit Gosens, Alex B.H. Turnbull, Frank Jotzo, China’s decarbonization and energy security plans will reduce seaborne coal imports: Results from an installation-level model, Joule, 6(4), 782-815 (April 2022) [Journal Article]
- Lily O’Neil, Fiona J. Beck, Karrina Nolan, Wenting Cheng, Renewable hydrogen, native title and ensuring First Nations benefit, Australian Environmental Review, pg 149, vol 36, No 6, (March 2022) [Journal Article]
- Cheng Cheng, Andrew Blakers, Matthew Stocks, Bin Lu, 100% renewable energy in Japan, Energy Conversion and Management, Volume 255, 115299 (March 2022) [Journal Article]
- Lily O’Neill, Fiona Beck, Karina Nolan, Wenting Cheng, Renewable Hydrogen Will Be Produced on Land Traditionally Owned by First Nations People: Will Its Owners Benefit?, Australian Environment Review 36, no. 6: 149-58. (March 2022) [Journal Article]
- Wenting Cheng, Intellectual Property and International Clean Technology Diffusion: Pathways and Prospects, Asian Journal of International Law (March 2022) [Journal Article]
- Matthew Stocks, Reza Fazeli, Llewelyn Hughes, Fiona J. Beck, Global emissions implications from co-burning ammonia in coal fired power stations: an analysis of the Japan-Australia supply chain, Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol 336, p 13092, (February 2022) [Journal Article]
- Wenting Cheng, Sora Lee, How Green Are the National Hydrogen Strategies?, Sustainability 14, no. 3 (2022): 1-34. (February 2022) [Journal Article]
- Thomas Longden, Fiona Beck, Frank Jotzo, Richard Andrews, Mousami Prasad, ‘Clean’ hydrogen?–Comparing the emissions and costs of fossil fuel versus renewable electricity based hydrogen, Applied Energy 306, p.118145. (January 2022) [Journal Article]
- Anna Nadolny, Cheng Cheng, Bin Lu, Andrew Blakers, Matthew Stocks, Fully electrified land transport in 100% renewable electricity networks dominated by variable generation, Renewable Energy, 182, 562-577. (January 2022) [Journal Article]
- Thang Do, Paul Burke, Is ASEAN ready to move to multilateral cross-border electricity trade? Asia Pacific Viewpoint, Asian Pacific Viewpoint, ISSN 1360-7456 (2022) [Journal Article]
Short Articles
- Jorrit Gosens, No Bright Outlook for Australian-Chinese Coal Supply Chains – Energy Crisis or Not, The China Story, (December 2022) [Short article]
- Andrew Blakers, Anna Nadolny & Ryan Stocks, Batteries of gravity and water: we found 1,500 new pumped hydro sites next to existing reservoirs, The Conversation, (November 2022) [Short article]
- Wenting Cheng, International Clean Technology Diffusion: Pathways and Prospects, South Centre, (November 2022) [Short article]
- Thang Nam Do, Why there is no such thing as a painless transition, Policy Forum, (October 2022) [Short article]
Andrew Blakers, There’s a huge surge in solar production under way – and Australia could show the world how to use it, The Conversation, (September 2022)[Short article]
Frank Jotzo, Labor’s climate change bill is set to become law – but 3 important measures are missing, The Conversation, (September 2022) [Short article]
Thomas Longden, Richard Norman, Sotiris Vardoulakis, Tom Kompas, Australia finally has new climate laws. Now, let’s properly consider the astounding social cost of carbon, The Conversation, (September 2022) [Short article]
Frank Jotzo, Charging up on energy for the G20 summit, East Asia Forum, (September 2022) [Short article]
Andrew Blakers, Dramatic changes in Australia illustrate the future of the American electricity system, Energy Central, (July 2022) [Short article]
Jorrit Gosens, The short-lived comeback of coal, East Asia Forum, (June 2022) [Short article]
- Andrew Blakers, To triple transmission capacity, landowners and neighbours need to be paid more, Renew Economy, (May 2022) [Short article]
- Andrew Blakers, Mass storage is a solved problem, Energy Central, (May 2022) [Short article]
- David Firnando Silalahi, Andrew Blakers, Sunshine by day, water by night; Indonesia could pair its vast solar and hydro storage to decarbonise the country, The Conversation, (May 2022) [Short article]
- Andrew Blakers, Renewables snapshot: Are we on track to decarbonise the globe, Renew Economy, (May 2022) [Short article]
- Jorrit Gosens, Frank Jotzo, China’s demand for seaborne coal is set to drop fast and far. Australia should take note, The Conversation, (April 2022) [Short article]
- Andrew Blakers, Renewables in 2021, Energy Central, (April 2022) [Short article]
- Andrew Blakers, Cheng Cheng, Australia plans to be a big green hydrogen exporter to Asian markets – but they don’t need it, The Conversation, (April 2022) [Short article]
- Llewelyn Hughes, Thomas Longden, Offshore wind will come to Australian waters as long as we pave the way for this new industry, The Conversation, (March 2022) [Short article]
- Frank Jotzo, Russia’s war will hasten the drive for clean energy security, Lowy Interpreter, (March 2022) [Short article]
- Andrew Blakers, 100% renewable energy in Japan, Energy Central, (March 2022) [Short article]
- Emma Aisbett, Frank Jotzo, John Pye, Alireza Rahbari, Red dirt, yellow sun, green steel: how Australia could benefit from a global shift to emissions-free steel, The Conversation, (March 2022) [Short article]
- Paul Burke, Emma Aisbett, Kenneth Baldwin, To really address climate change, Australia could make 27 times as much electricity and make it renewable, The Conversation, (March 2022) [Short article]
- Andrew Blakers, Big battery plans for Pilbara ignore massive pumped-hydro potential, Renew Economy, (February 2022) [Short article]
- Llewelyn Hughes, Fiona Beck, Japan wants to burn ammonia for clean energy – but it may be a pyrrhic victory for the climate, The Conversation, (February 2022) [Short article]
- Andrew Blakers, Texas: the (potential) renewable energy superstate, Energy Central, (February 2022) [Short article]
- Thomas Longden, Simon Quilty, Brad Riley, Lee V. White, Michael Klerck, Vanessa Napaltjarri Davis, Norman Frank Jupurrurla, Temperature extremes exacerbate energy insecurity for Indigenous communities in remote Australia, Nature Energy, (January 2022) [Short article]
- Andrew Blakers, Bin Lu, Matthew Stocks, Batteries get hyped, but pumped hydro provides the vast majority of long-term energy storage essential for renewable power – here’s how it works, The Conversation, (January 2022) [Short article]
Working Papers
- Thomas Longden, Llewelyn Hughes (2022), Energy Transition in the Indo-Pacific: Thermal Coal and Gas Imports Under Different Levels of Climate Ambition (ZCWP 08-22) (PDF, 1.87 MB) [Working Paper]
- Lachlan Clapin, Thomas Longden (2022), Waiting to generate: an analysis of wind and solar project development lead-times in Australia's National Electricity Market (ZCWP 07-22) (PDF, 1.04 MB) [Working Paper]
- Thang Nam Do, Paul Burke (2022), Is ASEAN ready to move to multilateral cross-border electricity trade? (ZCWP 06-22) (PDF, 616.61 KB) [Working Paper]
- Thang Nam Do, Paul Burke, Llewelyn Hughes (2022), Policy options for offshore wind power in Vietnam (ZCWP O5-22) (PDF, 846.44 KB) [Working Paper]
- Paul Burke, Fiona Beck, Emma Aisbett, Kenneth Baldwin, Matthew Stocks, John Pye, Mahesh Venkataraman, Janet Hunt, Xumei Bai (2022), Contributing to regional decarbonization: Australia's potential to supply zero-carbon commodities to the Asia-Pacific (ZCWP 04-22) (PDF, 1.79 MB) [Working Paper]
- Llewelyn Hughes, Wenting Cheng, Thang Nam Do, Jorrit Gosens, Thomas Longden (2022), Governing offshore wind in the Asia-Pacific: emerging regulatory frameworks (ZCWP03-22) (PDF, 863.81 KB) [Working Paper]
- Llewelyn Hughes, Thomas Longden (2022), Offshore wind power in the Asia-Pacific: expert elicitation on prices and policies (ZCWP02-22) (PDF, 1.09 MB) [Working Paper]
- Llewelyn Hughes, Cheng Cheng (2022), Is there a role for offshore wind power in renewable hydrogen production in Australia? (ZCWP01-22) (PDF, 3.03 MB) [Working Paper]
- Llewelyn Hughes and Thomas Longden, Submission to Inquiry into Australia’s transition to a green energy superpower (December 2022) [Submission]
- Emma Aisbett, Fiona Beck, Paul Burke, Frank Jotzo, Bin Lu, John Pye, Brad Riley, Ken Baldwin and Dharani Sabba, Submission to Australia's transition to a green energy superpower inquiry (December 2022) [Submission]
- Brad Riley, Ed Wensing, Lily O’Neill, Submission to Inquiry into Australia’s transition to a green energy superpower (December 2022) [Submission]
- Brad Riley, Sally Wilson, Thomas Longden, Lee White, Simon Quilty, Michael Klerck, Vanessa Davis, Norman Frank Jupurrurla, Utilities Commission of the Northern Territory Electricity Retail Supply Code Review (December 2022) [Submission]
- Brad Riley, Ed Wensing, Lily O’Neill, Submission in response: Western Australia – Land and Public Works Legislation Amendment Bill 2022 (Diversification leases) (October 2022)[Submission]
- Sally Wilson, Brad Riley, and Lee White, Submission to Essential Services Commission of South Australia (ESCOSA) in response to Small-scale energy networks consumer protection framework review: Draft Decision (September 2022) [Submission]
- Brad Riley, Lee White, Sally Wilson, Thomas Longden, Simon Quilty, Michael Klerck, Vanessa Davis, Norman Frank Jupurrurla, and Lily O’Neill, Submission to Essential Services Commission of South Australia (ESCOSA) in response to Cowell Electric Supply Pty Ltd licence amendment: Proposed prepayment by default consumer protections (June 2022). [Submission]
- Emma Aisbett, Kenneth Baldwin, Wenting Cheng, Reza Fazeli, Frank Jotzo, Chell Lyons, Yuan Peng, Lee White, Submission to the Australia-Singapore Green Economy Agreement, (November 2022) [Submission]
- Emma Aisbett, Submission to the OECD Public Consultation on Investment Treaties and Climate Change, (April 2022) [Submission]
- Brad Riley, Lee White, Thomas Longden et al., Submission to Essential Services Commission of South Australia Off-grid energy consumer protection framework review (March 2022) [Submission]
- Lee White, Brad Riley, Sally Wilson, Lilly O’Neil, Thomas Longden, Submission in Response to Draft decision – Repeal and replacement of the Code of Conduct for the Supply of Electricity to Small Use Customers 2018, (February 2022) [Submission]
- Lee White, Brad Riley, Thomas Longden, Submission to SA Parliamentary Legislative Review Committee (2022) Call for scrutiny of Electricity (General) (Payment Condition) Variation Regulations 2021 gazetted on 9 December 2021 (No. 80 p. 4331) (Mandatory Prepayment) [Submission]
Policy Briefs
- Thomas Longden, Simon Quilty, Brad Riley, Lee V. White, Michael Klerck, Vanessa Napaltjarri Davis, Norman Frank Jupurrurla, Temperature extremes exacerbate energy insecurity for Indigenous communities in remote Australia | Nature Energy, Nature Energy 7, 11-12, (January 2022) [Policy brief]
- Emma Aisbett, Wenting Cheng, Iain MacGill (UNSW), & Lee White, Approaches to certifying Australia-Germany Green Hydrogen Supply Chains: informing discussion, Produced for the German-Australian HySupply Project, (August 2022) [Report]
Book Chapters
- Thang Nam Do, Ta Dinh Thi, Vietnam’s environmental policy: a 30-year critical review, in Zhu. Z. (ed.), World Scientific Series Volume III: Environment, Sustainability, and Human Security, World Scientific Publishing (December 2022) [Book Chapter].
- Fiona J. Beck, Astha Sharma, ‘Toward Hydrogen Future’ in The Climate Doomsday Book, (August 2022) [Book Chapter]
- Frank Jotzo, ‘Hydrogen’, in Garnaut, R. (ed), The Superpower Transformation: Making Australia’s Zero-Carbon Future, Latrobe University Press, Melbourne (2022) [Book Chapter].
Journal Articles
- Thang Nam Do, Paul J. Burke, Carbon pricing in Vietnam: Options for adoption, Energy and Climate Change, Volume 2, 100058 (December 2021) [Journal Article]
- Bin Lu, Andrew Blakers, Matthew Stocks, Thang Nam Do, Low-cost, low-emission 100% renewable electricity in Southeast Asia supported by pumped hydro storage, Energy, 121387 (December 2021) [Journal Article]
- Thang Nam Do, Paul J., Burke, Nam Hoang Nguyen, Indra Overland, Beni Suryadi, Akbar Swandaru, Zulfikar Yurnaidi, Vietnam's solar and wind power success: Policy implications for the other ASEAN countries, Energy for Sustainable Development, Volume 65, 1-11 (December 2021) [Journal Article]
- Thomas Longden, Simon Quilty, Brad Riley, Lee White, Michael Klerck, Vanessa Davis, Norman Frank Jupurrurla, Energy insecurity during temperature extremes in remote Australia, Nature Energy, Volume 7 (December 2021) [Journal Article]
- Lily O'Neill, Kathryn Thorburn, Bradley Riley, Esmé Shirlow, Ganur Maynard, Janet Hunt, Renewable energy development on the Indigenous Estate: Free, prior and informed consent and best practice in agreement-making in Australia, Energy Research and Social Science, Volume 81, 102252 (November 2021) [Journal Article]
- Lee White, Llewelyn Hughes, Chell Lyons, Yuan Peng, Iterating Localisation Policies in Support of Energy Transition: The Case of the Australian Capital Territory, Energy Policy, Volume 158 (November 2021) [Journal Article]
- Andrew Blakers, Matthew Stocks, Bin Lu, Cheng Cheng, The observed cost of high penetration solar and wind electricity, Energy, Volume 233, 121150 (October 2021) [Journal Article]
- Prabhasri Herath, Marcus Thatcher, Huidong Jin, Xuemei Bai, Effectiveness of urban surface characteristics as mitigation strategies for the excessive summer heat in cities, Sustainable Cities and Society, Volume 72, 103072 (September 2021) [Journal Article]
- David Firnando Silalahi, Andrew Blakers, Matthew Stocks, Bin Lu, Cheng Cheng, Liam Hayes, Indonesia’s Vast Solar Energy Potential, Energies, 14(17), 5424 (August 2021) [Journal Article]
- Liam Hayes, Matthew Stocks, Andrew Blakers, Accurate long-term power generation model for offshore wind farms in Europe using ERA5 reanalysis, Energy, Volume 229, 120603 (August 2021) [Journal Article]
- Brenda B Lin, Alessandro Ossola, Marina Alberti, Erik Andersson, Xuemei Bai, Cynnamon Dobbs, Thomas Elmqvist, Karl L Evans, Niki Frantzeskaki, Richard A Fuller, Kevin J Gaston, Dagmar Haase, Chi Yung Jim, Cecil Konijnendijk, Harini Nagendra, Jari Niemelä, Timon McPhearson, William R Moomaw, Susan Parnell, Diane Pataki, William J Ripple, Puay Yok Tan, Integrating solutions to adapt cities for climate change, The Lancet - Planetary Health, Volume 5, 479-486 (July 2021) [Journal Article]
- Sunil Prasad Lohani, Andrew Blakers, 100% renewable energy with pumped hydro energy storage in Nepal, Clean Energy Journal, 5(2), 243-253 (June 2021) [Journal Article]
- Marta Victoria, Nancy Haegel, Ian Marius Peters, Ron Sinton, Arnulf Jäger-Waldau, Carlos del Cañizo, Christian Breyer, Matthew Stocks, Andrew Blakers, Izumi Kaizuka, Keiichi Komoto, Arno Smets, Solar photovoltaics is ready to power a sustainable future, Joule, 5(5), 1041-1056 (May 2021) [Journal Article]
- Yan Zhang, Xuemei Bai, Franklin P. Mills, John C.V. Pezzey, Examining the attitude-behavior gap in residential energy use: Empirical evidence from a large-scale survey in Beijing, China, Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 295, 126510 (May 2021) [Journal Article]
- Shuhei Nishitateno, Paul J. Burke, Willingness to pay for clean air: Evidence from diesel vehicle registration restrictions in Japan, Regional Science and Urban Economics, Volume 88, 103657 (May 2021) [Journal Article]
- Alireza Rahbari, Ali Shirazi, Mahesh B Venkataraman, John Pye, Solar fuels from supercritical water gasification of algae: Impacts of low-cost hydrogen on reformer configurations, Applied Energy, Volume 288, 116620 (April 2021) [Journal Article]
- Bin Lu, Andrew Blakers, Matthew Stocks, Cheng Cheng, Anna Nadolny, A zero-carbon, reliable and affordable energy future in Australia, Energy, Volume 220, 119678 (April 2021) [Journal Article]
- Emma Aisbett, Jonathan Bonnitcha, A Pareto-Improving Compensation Rule for Investment Treaties, Journal of International Economic Law, Volume 24, Issue 1, Pages 181–202 (March 2021) [Journal Article]
- Bradley Riley, Scaling up: Renewable energy on Aboriginal lands in north west Australia, Nulungu Research Papers, (March 2021) [Journal Article]
- Johan Rockström, Joyeeta Gupta, Timothy M. Lenton, Dahe Qin, Steven J. Lade, Jesse F. Abrams, Lisa Jacobson, Juan C. Rocha, Caroline Zimm, Xuemei Bai, Govindasamy Bala, Stefan Bringezu, Wendy Broadgate, Stuart E. Bunn, Fabrice DeClerck, Kristie L. Ebi, Peng Gong, Chris Gordon, Norichika Kanie, Diana M. Liverman, Nebojsa Nakicenovic, David Obura, Veerabhadran Ramanathan, Peter H. Verburg, Detlef P. van Vuuren, Ricarda Winkelmann, Identifying a safe and just corridor for people and the planet, Earth's Future, 9(4), 001866 (March 2021) [Journal Article]
- Janet Hunt, Bradley Riley, Lily O'Neill, Ganur Maynard, Transition to Renewable Energy and Indigenous People in Northern Australia: Enhancing or Inhibiting Capabilities?, Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, Volume 22, 360-378 (March 2021) [Journal Article]
- Andrew Blakers, Matthew Stocks, Bin Lu, Cheng Cheng, A review of pumped hydro energy storage, Progress in Energy, 3(2), 022003 (March 2021) [Journal Article]
- E. W. Gaykema, Igor Skryabin, James Prest, B. Hansen, Assessing the viability of the ACT natural gas distribution network for reuse as a hydrogen distribution network, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 46(23), 12280-12289 (March 2021) [Journal Article]
- George Tsekouras, Richard Terrett, Zheyin Yu, Zhenxiang Cheng, Gerhard F. Swiegers, Takuya Tsuzuki, Robert Stranger, Ronald J Pace, Insights into the Phenomenon of Bubble-Free' Electrocatalytic Oxygen Evolution from Water, Sustainable Energy & Fuels, 5(3), 808-819 (February 2021) [Journal Article]
- Wojciech Lipiński, Ehsan Abbasi-Shavazi, Jingjing Chen, Joe Coventry, Morteza Hangi, Siddharth Iyer, Apurv Kumar, Lifeng Li, Sha Li, John Pye, Juan F Torres, Bo Wang, Ye Wang, Vincent M Wheeler, Progress in heat transfer research for high-temperature solar thermal applications, Applied Thermal Engineering, Volume 184, 116137 (February 2021) [Journal Article]
- Yuan Peng, Xuemei Bai, Financing urban low-carbon transition: The catalytic role of a city-level special fund in shanghai, Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 282, 124514 (February 2021) [Journal Article]
- Matthew Stocks, Ryan Stocks, Bin Lu, Cheng Cheng, Andrew Blakers, Global Atlas of Closed-Loop Pumped Hydro Energy Storage, Joule, 5(1), 270-284 (January 2021) [Journal Article]
- Richard N.L. Terrett, George Tsekouras, Danijel Boskovic, Takuya Tsuzuki, Gerhard F. Swiegers, Ronald J. Pace, Robert Stranger, Electronic structure modelling of edge-functionalisation of graphene by MnOx particles, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 23(1), 514-527 (January 2021) [Journal Article]
- Ahmad Rafiee, Kaveh R. Khalilpour, James Prest, Igor Skryabin, Biogas as an Energy Vector, Biomass and Bioenergy, Volume 144, 105935 (January 2021) [Journal Article]
- Lee V. White, Reza Fazeli, Wenting Cheng, Emma Aisbett, Fiona J. Beck, Kenneth GH Baldwin, Penelope Howarth, Lily O'Neill, Towards emissions certification systems for international trade in hydrogen: the policy challenge of defining boundaries for emissions accounting, Energy, Volume 215 (Part A), 119139 (January 2021) [Journal Article]
- Hilman S. Fathoni, Abidah B. Setyowati, James Prest, Is community renewable energy always just? Examining energy injustices and inequalities in rural Indonesia, Energy Research & Social Science, Volume 71, 101825 (January 2021) [Journal Article]
- Bonnitcha, J., & Aisbett, E. (2021). Against Balancing: Revisiting the Use/Regulation Distinction to Reform Liability and Compensation under Investment Treaties. Michigan Journal of International Law, 42(2), 231-290 [Journal Article]
- James Prest, Jordie Petit, Joshua Woodyatt, Comparing the Hydrogen Strategies of the EU, Germany, and Australia: Legal and Policy Issues, Oil, Gas and Energy Law Intelligence (OGEL), 19(2), 1-65 (2021) [Journal Article]
Short Articles
- Thang Nam Do Adding substance to Vietnam's climate commitments, East Asia Forum, (December 2021) [Short article]
- Thang Nam Do & Paul J. Burke, Carbon pricing insights from Vietnam, Policy Forum, (October 2021) [Short article]
- Fiona J Beck, Kylie Catchpole, Preparing for the renewable energy economy, Policy Forum, (July 2021) [Short article]
- Mousami Prasad, Encouraging a clean energy future, Before the budget: What the experts think, Crawford School News, (May 2021) [Short article]
- Andrew Blakers, Solar and wind are leading fastest energy transition the world has seen, Renew Economy, (April 2021) [Short article]
- Thomas Longden , Fiona J. Beck, & Frank Jotzo, Australia is at a crossroads in the global hydrogen race - and one path looks risky, The Conversation, (March 2021) [Short article]
- Andrew Blakers, For $100 billion, Australia could have a low cost and reliable zero emissions grid, Renew Economy, (February 2021) [Short article]
- Thang Do & Paul Burke, Drivers for Vietnam's Solar Power Boom: Policy Implications for other ASEAN Member States, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, (February 2021) [Short article]
- Thomas Longden, Matt Brearley & Simon Quilty, As heatwaves become more extreme, which jobs are riskiest?, The Conversation, (January 2021) [Short article]
- Ken Baldwin, Australia's National Hydrogen Strategy, Energia Ambiente e Innovazione, ENEA magazine, (January 2021) [Short article]
Working Papers
- Thang Nam Do, Paul Burke (2021), Carbon pricing in Vietnam: Options for adoption (ZCWP06-21) (PDF, 486.56 KB) [Working Paper]
- Thomas Longden, Frank Jotzo, Andreas Löschel (2021), Conditions for low cost green hydrogen production - mapping cost competitiveness with reduced-form marginal effect relationships (ZCWP05-21) (PDF, 2.68 MB) [Working Paper]
- Alison Reeve, Emma Aisbett (2021), Making the numbers count: can national carbon accounting systems support effective trade-related climate policies? (ZCWP04-21) (PDF, 526.92 KB) [Working Paper]
- Reza Fazeli, Fiona Beck, Matthew Stocks (2021), Recognizing the role of uncertainties in the transition to renewable hydrogen (ZCWP03-21) (PDF, 1.52 MB) [Working Paper]
- Thomas Longden, Fiona Beck, Frank Jotzo, Richard Andrews, Mousami Prasad (2021), Clean Hydrogen? An analysis of the emissions and cost of fossil fuel based versus renewable energy based hydrogen, (ZCWP02-21) (PDF, 1.89 MB) [Working Paper]
- Emma Aisbett, Wenting Cheng, Fiona Beck, (2021), Green Industrial Policy and Technology Neutrality: Odd Couple or Unholy Marriage? (ZCWP01-21) (PDF, 479.12 KB) [Working Paper]
- Andrew Blakers, Submission to Parliamentary Inquiry: The current circumstances, and the future need and potential for dispatchable energy generation and storage capability in Australia (May 2021) [Submission]
- Andrew Blakers, Submission to Energy Security Board, Post 2025 Options Paper (May 2021) [Submission]
- Matthew Stocks, Bin Lu, Ken Baldwin & Andrew Blakers, Submission to Future Fuels Strategy Discussion Paper (April 2021) [Submission]
- Thomas Longden, Brad Riley, Lee White, Simon Quilty, Submission in Response to Prepayment Meter System Code Review - Essential Service Commission of South Australia (April 2021) [Submission]
- Xuemei Bai, Ken Baldwin, Lachlan Blackhall, Yuan Peng, James Prest, Igor Skryabin, Matthew Stocks, Submission to the ACT Government's Inquiry into Renewable Energy Innovation in the ACT (April 2021) [Submission]
- Andrew Blakers, Submission to ACT Government Standing Committee on Environment, Climate Change and Biodiversity inquiry into Renewable energy innovation in the Australian Capital Territory (April 2021) [Submission]
- Andrew Blakers, Expert Reviewer for the Government and Expert Review of the Second Order Draft (SOD) of the contribution of Working Group III to the Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) and the first drafts of the Summary for Policymakers and the Technical Summary (February 2021) [Submission]
- Llewelyn Hughes, Revisiting Radical Incrementalism in Japan's Energy Policy The Oxford Handbook on Japanese Politics, Oxford University Press, (2021) [Book]
Journal Articles
- Astha Sharma, Fiona J. Beck, Quantifying and Comparing Fundamental Loss Mechanisms for Solar Hydrogen Generation, Advanced Energy and Sustainability Research, 2(1), 2000039 (December 2020) [Journal Article]
- Kaveh R. Khalilpour, Ron Pace, Karimi Faezeh, Retrospective and prospective of the hydrogen supply chain: A longitudinal techno-historical analysis, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 45(59), 34294-34315 (December 2020) [Journal Article]
- Chunguang Tang, Shunxin Fei, David G Lin, Yun Liu, Natural liquid organic hydrogen carrier with low dehydrogenation energy: A first principles study, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 45(56), 32089-32097 (November 2020) [Journal Article]
- Peta Ashworth, Kenneth G.H. Baldwin, Michael Brear, Tony Chappel, Matt Garbutt, Cesar Alejandro Hernandez, Frank Jotzo, Iain MacGill, Tim Nelson, Overview of papers for the Special Issue of The Electricity Journal: The Future Electricity Market Summit, The Electricity Journal, 33(9), 106830 (November 2020) [Journal Article]
- Kenneth GH Baldwin, Peter Fraser, Kerry Schott, Introduction to the Special Issue of the Electricity Journal on the Future Electricity Market Summit, Sydney 2019, The Electricity Journal, 33(9), 108650 (November 2020) [Journal Article]
- Elizabeth L. Ratnam, Kenneth GH Baldwin, Pierluigi Mancarella, Mark Howden, Leslie Seebeck, Electricity system resilience in a world of increased climate change and cybersecurity risk, The Electricity Journal, 33(9), 106833 (November 2020) [Journal Article]
- Shuhei Nishitateno, Paul J. Burke, Have vehicle registration restrictions improved urban air quality in Japan?, Contemporary Economic Policy, 38(3), 448-459 (November 2020) [Journal Article]
- Felix Creutzig, Xuemei Bai, Radhika Khosla, Vincent Viguie, Yoshiki Yamagata, Systematizing and Upscaling Urban Climate Change Mitigation, Environment Research Letter, 15(10), 100202 (September 2020) [Journal Article]
- Thang N. Do, Paul J. Burke, Kenneth GH Baldwin, Chinh T Nguyen, Underlying drivers and barriers for solar photovoltaics diffusion: The case of Vietnam, Energy Policy, Volume 144, 111561 (September 2020) [Journal Article]
- Andreas Goldthau, Llewelyn Hughes, Comment: Protect Global Supply Chains for Low Carbon Technologies, Nature, Volume 585, 28-30 (September 2020) [Journal Article]
- Marziyeh Hamidi, Vincent M Wheeler, Xiang Gao, John Pye, Kylie Catchpole, Alan W Weimer, Reduction of iron-manganese oxide particles in a lab-scale packed-bed reactor for thermochemical energy storage, Chemical Engineering Science, Volume 221, 115700 (August 2020) [Journal Article]
- Christian Downie, Steering Global Governance: Who governs and what do they do?, Regulation and Governance (August 2020) [Journal Article]
- Yuanchao Hu, Shengui Cui, Xuemei Bai, Yong-Guan Zhu, Bing Gao, Aanu Ramaswami, Jianxiong Tang, Miaohong Yang, Qianhu Zhang, Yunfeng Huang, Transboundary environmental footprints of urban food supply chain and mitigation strategies, Environmental Science & Technology, 54(17), 10460-10471 (August 2020) [Journal Article]
- Lifeng Li, Bo Wang, John Pye, Wojiech Lipiński, Temperature-based optical design, optimization and economics of solar polar-field central receiver systems, Applied Energy, Volume 206, 1018-1032 (August 2020) [Journal Article]
- Michael Jakob, Jan Christoph Steckel, Frank Jotzo, Benjamin K. Sovacool, Laura Cornelsen, Rohit Chandra, Ottmar Edenhofer, Chris Holden, Andreas Löscheli, Ted Nace, Nick Robins, Jens Suedekum, Johannes Urpelainen, The future of coal in a carbon constrained climate, Nature Climate Change, Volume 10, 704-707 (July 2020) [Journal Article]
- Paul J. Burke, Thang N. Do, Greening Asia's Economic Development, Asian Economic Policy Review, 16(1), 22-39 (July 2020) [Journal Article]
- Siva Karaturi, Heping Shen, Astha Sharma, Fiona J. Beck, Purushothaman Varadhan, The Duong, Parvathala Reddy Narangari, DouDou Zhang, Yimao Wan, Jr-Hai He, Hark Hoe Tan, Chunnupati Jagadish, Kylie Catchpole, Over 17% Efficiency Stand‐Alone Solar Water Splitting Enabled by Perovskite‐Silicon Tandem Absorbers, Advanced Energy Materials, 10(28) 12808-12815 (June 2020) [Journal Article]
- Rohan Best, Paul J. Burke, Frank Jotzo, Carbon pricing efficacy: Cross-country evidence, Environmental and Resource Economics, 77(1), 69-94 (June 2020) [Journal Article]
- Christian Downie, Strategies for Survival: The International Energy Agency's response to a new world, Energy Policy, 141, 1-7 (June 2020) [Journal Article]
- Gordon W. Leslie, David I. Stern, Akshay Shanker, Michael T. Hogan, Designing Electricity Markets for High Penetration of Zero or Low Marginal Cost Intermittent Energy Sources, SSRN Electronic Journal, 33(9), 106847 (May 2020) [Journal Article]
- Thomas Longden, Simon Quilty, Philip Haywood, Arnagretta Hunter, Russell Gruen, Heat-related mortality: an urgent need to recognise and record, The Lancet Planetary Health, 4(5), e171 (May 2020) [Journal Article]
- Qingbo Sun, Larissa Q Huston, Chunguang Tang, Ling-Ling Wei, Leigh R Sheppard, Hua Chen, Terry J Frankcombe, Jodie E Bradby, Yun Liu, Chemical Synthesis and High Pressure Reaction of Nb5+ Mono-Doped Rutile TiO2 Nanocrystals, The Journal of Physical Chemistry, C 124, 12808-12815. (May 2020) [Journal Article]
- Yan Zhang, Xuemei Bai, Franklin P. Mills, Characterizing energy-related occupant behavior in residential buildings: Evidence from a survey in Beijing, China, Energy and Buildings, Volume 214, 109823 (May 2020) [Journal Article]
- Zainul Abdin, Ali Zafaranloo, Ahmad Rafiee, Walter Mérida, Wojciech Lipiński, Kaveh R. Khalilpour, Hydrogen as an energy vector, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Volume 120, 109620 (March 2020) [Journal Article]
- Alberto de la Calle, Alicia Bayón, John Pye, Techno-economic assessment of a high-efficiency, low-cost solar-thermal power system with sodium receiver, phase-change material storage, and supercritical CO₂ recompression Brayton cycle, Solar Energy, Volume 199, 885-900 (March 2020) [Journal Article]
- Rohan Best, Paul J. Burke, Energy mix persistence and the effect of carbon pricing, Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 64(3) 555-574 (March 2020) [Journal Article]
- Yuan Peng, Xuemei Bai, Financing urban low-carbon transition: The catalytic role of a city-level special fund in Shangahi, Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 282, 124514 (February 2020) [Journal Article]
- Emma Aisbett, Magdalene Silberberger, Tariff liberalization and product standards: Regulatory chill and race to the bottom?, Regulation & Governance, 15(3), 987-1006 (2020) [Journal Article]
Short Articles
- Thang Nam Do, Vietnam pioneers post-pandemic carbon pricing, East Asia Forum, (November 2020) [Short article]
- Thomas Longden, Analysis of the Australian Hydrogen Strategy, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, (August 2020) [Short article]
- Christian Downie, & Llewelyn Hughes, Will Japan continue to finance international coal projects?, East Asia Forum, (August 2020) [Short article]
- Lily O'Neill, Brad Riley, Janet Hunt, & Ganur Maynard, Why most Aboriginal people have little say over clean energy projects planned for their land, Renew Economy, (August 2020) [Short article]
- Lily O'Neill, Brad Riley, Janet Hunt, & Ganur Maynard, Why most Aboriginal people have little say over clean energy projects planned for their land, The Conversation, (August 2020) [Short article]
- Paul Burke, Frank Jotzo, Rohan Best, Carbon pricing works: the largest-ever study puts it beyond doubt, The Conversation, (July 2020) [Short article]
- Thang Nam Do & Paul Burke, The next steps for Vietnam's booming solar sector, Policy Forum, (July 2020) [Short article]
- Thang Nam Do, Vietnam's Environmental Challenges risk EU free trade, East Asia Forum, (July 2020) [Short article]
- Thomas Longden, Frank Jotzo, Zeba Anjum, Putting stimulus spending to the test: 4 ways a smart government can create jobs and cut emissions, The Conversation, (June 2020) [Short article]
- Thomas Longden, Frank Jotzo, Zeba Anjum, Putting stimulus spending to the test: 4 ways a smart government can create jobs and cut emissions, Renew Economy, (June 2020) [Short article]
- Frank Jotzo, Thomas Longden, Zeba Anjum, Fiscal stimulus for low-carbon compatible COVID-19 recovery: criteria for infrastructure investment, ANU CCEP working paper, (June 2020) [Short article]
- Frank Jotzo, Morrison government dangles new carrots for industry but fails to fix bigger climate policy problem, The Conversation, (May 2020) [Short article]
- Frank Jotzo, Mousami Prasad, Yes, carbon emissions fell during COVID-19. But it's the shift away from coal that really matters, The Conversation, (May 2020) [Short article]
- Jorrit Gosens, Frank Jotzo, How green is China's post-COVID-19 'new infrastructure' stimulus spending?, East Asia Forum, (May 2020) [Short article]
- Christian Downie, Commentary: Plunging oil prices will have huge consequences, Policy Forum, (April 2020) [Short article]
- Lee White, Energy transition, like coronavirus response, is a global scale problem that will rely on sub-national actors to pick up the slack where national and international action falls short, Behavioural and Social Sciences at Nature Research, (April 2020) [Short article]
- Brad Riley, Energy Security on remote Aboriginal communities during the Covid-19 Crisis, “Indigenous Australians and the Covid-19 crisis: Perspectives on Public Policy", Topical Issue CAEPR, (April 2020) [Short article]
- Andrew Blakers, Matthew Stocks, Australia deploying new renewables at ten times global average, Renew Economy, (April 2020) [Short article]
- Thang Nam Do, Bold action needed to address Vietnam's air pollution, East Asia Forum, (March 2020) [Short article]
- Thomas Longden, Heat kills. We need consistency in the way we measure these deaths, The Conversation, (January 2020) [Short article]
Working Papers
- Lee White, Llewelyn Hughes, Michelle Lyons, Yuan Peng (2020), Politics and Policy Mixes: The Australian Capital Territory experiment in innovation co-benefits (ZCWP05-20) (PDF, 421.32 KB) [Working Paper]
- Matthew Stocks, Reza Fazeli, Llewelyn Hughes, Fiona Beck (2020), Global Emissions implications from co-burning ammonia in coal fired power stations: an analysis of the Japan-Australia supply chain (ZCWP04-20) (PDF, 692 KB) [Working Paper]
- Thomas Longden, Frank Jotzo, Mousami Prasad, Richard Andrews (2020), Green hydrogen production costs in Australia: implications of renewable energy and electrolyser costs (ZCWP03-20) (PDF, 998.05 KB) [Working Paper]
- Thang Nam Do, Paul Burke, Kenneth Baldwin, Chinh The Nguyen (2020), Underlying drivers and barriers for solar photovoltaics diffusion: The case of Vietnam (ZCWP02-20) (PDF, 977.97 KB) [Working Paper]
- James Prest, Submission to Inquiry on the Clean Energy Finance Corporation Amendment (Grid Reliability Fund) Bill 2020, of the Senate Environment and Communications Legislation Committee (quoted in Report's main text once, cited five times) (Submission No.25) (September 2020) [Submission]
- Emma Aisbett, Esme Shirlow, Christian Downie and Lily O’Neill, Submission to the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade's Review of Australia's Bilateral Investment Treaties (September 2020) [Submission]
- Emma Aisbett, Ken Baldwin, Fiona Beck, Llewelyn Hughes, Penelope Howarth, John Pye, Submission to the Joint Standing Committee on Trade and Investment Growth (August 2020) [Submission]
- Andrew Blakers, Kylie Catchpole, Richard Corkish, Renate Egan, Marco Ernst, Martin Green, Bram Hoex, Alison Lennon, Dan Macdonald, Hieu Nguyen, Alistair Sproul, Matthew Stocks, Klaus Weber, Submission to the Technology Investment Roadmap – Solar PV and wind (July 2020) [Submission]
- Emma Aisbett, Fiona Beck, Wenting Cheng, Penelope Howarth, Llewelyn Hughes, Frank Jotzo, Thomas Longden, John Pye, Elizabeth Ratnam, Igor Skryabin, Matt Stocks and Lee White, Ken Baldwin, Submission to Technology Investment Roadmap (July 2020) [Submission]
- ANU Energy Change Institute, Submission to the DISER Hydrogen Certification Survey (June 2020) [Submission]
- ANU Energy Change Institute, Submission on the Technology Investment Roadmap (June 2020) [Submission]
- Submission to the Australian Energy Market Operator Draft 2020 Integrated System Plan for the National Electricity Market (February 2020) [Submission]
- Janet Hunt, Lily O’Neill, Brad Riley, Ganur Maynard, Lee White, Submission in Response to A Path Forward: Developing the Western Australian Government's Aboriginal Empowerment Strategy (February 2020) [Submission]
- Janet Hunt appeared before the Joint Standing Committee Inquiry into the opportunities and challenges of the engagement of traditional owners in the economic development of northern Australia (January 2020) [Submission]
- Llewelyn Hughes meeting Konrad Adenauer Stiftung with cooperation between Bonn University, the ANU, and the University of Tokyo (2020) [Submission]
- Kenneth G. H. Baldwin, Mark Howden, Michael H. Smith, Karen Hussey & Peter J. Dawson (eds.) (In press), Transitioning to a Prosperous, Resilient and Carbon Free Economy: A Guide for Decision Makers, Cambridge University Press,(October 2020) [Book]
- Yun Liu, Composite catalysts for hydrogen energy storage and conversion, P112369, PCT (2020) [Patent]
Journal Articles
- Paul J. Burke, Martin D. Siyaranamual, No one left behind in Indonesia?, Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies, 55(3), 269-293 (November 2019) [Journal Article]
- Rohan Best, Paul J. Burke, Shuhei Nishitateno, Evaluating the effectiveness of Australia's Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme for rooftop solar, Energy Economics, Volume 84, 1-11 (October 2019) [Journal Article]
- Cheng Cheng, Andrew Blakers, Matthew Stocks, & Bin Lu, Pumped hydro energy storage and 100% renewable electricity for East Asia, Global Energy Interconnection, 2(5), 387-393 (October 2019) [Journal Article]
- Andrew Blakers, Matthew Stocks, Bin Lu, Cheng Cheng, Ryan Stocks, Pathway to 100% Renewable Electricity, IEEE Journal Photovoltaics, Volume 9, 1828-1833 (September 2019) [Journal Article]
- Paul J. Burke, Jinnie Widnyana, Zeba Anjum, Emma Aisbett, Budy Resosudarmo, Kenneth GH Baldwin, Overcoming barriers to solar and wind energy adoption in two Asian giants: India and Indonesia, Energy Policy, Volume 132, 1216-122 (September 2019) [Journal Article]
- Fiona J. Beck, Rational Integration of Photovoltaics for Solar Hydrogen Generation, ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2(9), 6395-6403 (August 2019) [Journal Article]
- Rohan Best, Paul J. Burke, Shuhei Nishitateno, Understanding the determinants of rooftop solar installation: evidence from household surveys in Australia, Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 63(4), 922-939 (July 2019) [Journal Article]
- Ali Shirazi, Alireza Rahbari, C-A Asselineau, John Pye, A solar fuel plant via supercritical water gasification integrated with Fischer-Tropsch synthesis: system-level dynamic simulation and optimisation, Energy Conversion and Management, Volume 192, 71-87 (July 2019) [Journal Article]
- Meixuan Teng, Paul J. Burke, Hua Liao, The demand for coal among China's rural households: Estimates of price and income elasticities, Energy Economics, Volume 80, 928-936 (May 2019) [Journal Article]
- Alireza Rahbari, Ali Shirazi, Mahesh Venkataraman, John Pye, A solar fuel plant via supercritical water gasification integrated with Fischer-Torpsch synthesis: steady state modelling and techno-economic assessment, Energy Conversion and Management, Volume 184, 636-648 (March 2019) [Journal Article]
- Rohan Best, Paul J. Burke, Factors contributing to energy-related financial stress in Australia, Economic Record, 95(311), 462-479 (2019) [Journal Article]
Short Articles
- Frank Jotzo, Fiona Beck, Thomas Longden For hydrogen to be truly 'clean' it must be made with renewables, not coal, The Conversation, (December 2019) [Short article]
- Mathew Stocks, Andrew Blakers, Ken Baldwin: Australia is a runaway global leader in building new renewable energy, The Conversation, (September 2019) [Short article]
- Paul Burke, A chance for lift off: Indonesia's solar sector, Policy Forum, (July 2019) [Short article]
- Frank Jotzo, Salim Mazouz Australia's energy exports increase global greenhouse emissions, not decrease them, The Conversation, (June 2019) [Short article]
- Paul J. Burke, Book review: Fiscal Policies for Development and Climate Action', Miria A. Pigato (ed), World Bank, Washington, DC, Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies, 55(2), 263-264 (February 2019) [Short article]
Working Papers
- Mahesh Venkataraman, Zsuzsanna Csereklyei, Emma Aisbett, Alireza Rahbari, Frank Jotzo, Michael Lord, John Pye (2019), Zero Carbon steel-making: The opportunities and role of Australia in nurturing a 'green steel' industry (ZCWP01-20) (PDF, 896.54 KB) [Working Paper]
- Fiona Beck, Tory Bridges, Robin Purchase, Mahesh Venkataraman (2019), Australia's future as a zero-carbon energy exporter: An analysis of the recent reports on Australian hydrogen for export (ZCWP03-19) (PDF, 536.92 KB) [Working Paper]
- Kathryn Thorburn, Lily O'Neill, Janet Hunt (2019), Renewable energy projects on the Indigenous estate: identifying risks and opportunities of utility-scale and dispersed models (ZCWP02-19) (PDF, 911.95 KB) [Working Paper]
- Emma Aisbett, James Prest, Grace Soutter, Jinnie Widnyana (2019), Public international economic law and private involvement in renewable energy trade and investment in the Asia-Pacific (ZCWP01-19) (PDF, 854.63 KB) [Working Paper]
- Ken Baldwin, Emma Aisbett, Lee White, Tony Dreise, Lily O’Neill, Kathryn Thorburn, Brad Riley, Xuemei Bai, Yuan Peng, Fiona Beck, Mahesh Venkataraman, Andrew Blakers, Matthew Stocks, Bin Lu, Tory Bridges, Robin Purchase, Paul Burke, Zeba Anjum, Submission to Western Australian Climate change issues paper (Response 824554072) (November 2019) [Submission]
- Janet Hunt, Brad Riley, Bjorn Sturmberg, Lee White, Submission to the Preparing the Northern Territory for electric vehicles discussion paper (November 2019) [Submission]
- Ken Baldwin, Tony Dreise, Janet Hunt, Lily O’Neill, Brad Riley, Emma Aisbett, Submission to Joint Standing Committee Inquiry into the opportunities and challenges of the engagement of traditional owners in the economic development of northern Australia, (Submission No. 33) (October 2019) [Submission]
- Ken Baldwin, Submission to Inquiry into jobs for the future in regional areas, (Submission No.46) (September 2019) [Submission]
- Ken Baldwin, Tony Dreise, Janet Hunt, Lily O’Neill, Kathryn Thorburn, Brad Riley, Emma Aisbett, Submission to Select Committee on the effectiveness of the Australian Government's Northern Australia agenda (Submission No.10) (September 2019) [Submission]
- Emma Aisbett, Paul Burke, David Gourlay, Warwick McKibbin, Fiona Beck, Llewelyn Hughes, Frank Jotzo, Robin Purchase, Mahesh Venkataraman, James Prest, Bec Colvin, Katherine Daniell, Will Grant, Catherine Gross, Paul Wrywoll, Ken Baldwin, Submission to National Hydrogen Strategy Issues Papers (July 2019) [Submission]
- Fiona Beck, Tory Bridges, Paul Burke, Kylie Catchpole, Llewelyn Hughes, Frank Jotzo, Yun Liu, James Prest, John Pye, Igor Skryabin, Matthew Stocks, Robin Purchase, Mahesh Venkataraman, Submission to National Hydrogen Strategy Discussion Paper (March 2019) [Submission]
- Matthew Stocks, Andrew Blakers, Submission to Senate Select Committee into Fair Dinkum Power (Submission No.26) (February 2019) [Submission]
- Yun Liu, Composite catalysts for hydrogen energy storage and conversion, 2019904890, Australian provisional (2019) [Patent]