Pacific News

Source: Ariph Rasheed, Ocean Bank Image Pacific Island and ocean

Find out about the latest Pacific news, announcements and stories about the IPCC's Sixth Assessment Report.


Pacific Islands are holding the front line of climate change, but this is a global fight

We know how to keep warming below 1.5 degrees Celsius and avoid the worst climate change impacts for Pacific Island nations. But we must act now, and action must be worldwide.

Co-authored by Prof Mark Howden (IPCC & ANU), ‘Ofa Ma’asi-Kaisamy (PCCC hosted at SPREP) and Mahealani Delaney (ANU)

Published 21 March 2023 by SPREP and 25 March 2023 by ANU Reporter and Samoa Observer


Pacific delegates dissect IPCC report implications at COP27 

14 November 2022, Sharm El-Sheikh - On the sidelines of COP27 in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, the Pacific Climate Change Centre (PCCC) hosted a talanoa session to discuss and dissect how the world is tracking against the goal to keep global warming to 1.5°C, and what options there are for limiting future global warming.

Published 15 November 2022 by SPREP 


Call For Urgent Global Reduction Of Fossil Fuel Use As Pacific Dissects IPCC Working Group III Report

Climate scientists in the IPCC report reiterate the critical need for governments to take urgent concerted action to achieve the 1.5˚C warming limit goal. The Samoan Government, through the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment (MNRE), Hon. Toeolesulusulu Cedric Schuster, supported the IPCC scientists, calling for the reorientation of development pathways. 

The message reverberated during a webinar where Pacific countries and partners delved into the main findings of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Working Group III report on Mitigation of Climate Change

Published 12 May 2022 by SPREP 


Raising the bar to keep temperatures and sea levels low across the Pacific

For Pacific Islanders who advocate under '1.5°C to stay alive' and know that islands, cultures, and lives will be lost, and natural systems will cross dangerous points of no return at warming above this level, the focus is not on if we can limit warming to this level, but how?

Co-authored by Prof Mark Howden (IPCC & ANU) and ‘Ofa Ma’asi-Kaisamy (PCCC hosted at SPREP)

Published 8 April 2022 by ICEDS and 11 April 2022 by The Canberra Times 


Pacific Countries Lament Threat Of Catastrophic Weather Events, Amplify Call For Urgent Actions

The findings of the latest report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) point to a “bleak future” for the Pacific, where people who have the least to contribute to the causes of climate change, live in fear of “catastrophic and extreme weather events.” 

This news article summarises the discussion from en event co-hosted by the Pacific Climate Change Centre (PCCC) and Institute for Climate, Energy & Disaster Solutions. This article was published by the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Program. 

Published 11 March 2022


Merging science with traditional knowledge to combat climate change

The latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report emphasises that the Pacific needs both modern scientific and traditional knowledge to build resilience to climate change.

This blog was published by the Australia Pacific Security College and discusses the most recent IPCC report from the perspective of national security. The blog includes comments from Ms. 'Ofa Kaisamy at the Pacific Climate Change Centre at SPREP, and Professor Mark Howden at the ANU Institute for Climate, Energy & Disaster Solutions.  

Published 3 March 2022 


Hope, Concern Not Enough – Action Must Follow Latest IPCC Findings

Even though ef­fective adaptive strategies are exe­cuted, there are limits to how much other species and people can adapt.

This article was published in the Fiji Sun and includes comments from Professor Mark Howden, as well IPCC 'Small Islands' chapter author Patrick Nunn. 

Published 6 March 2022


World must take lead from Pacific Island nations in addressing worst impacts of climate change

"The future security of Pacific Islands requires aggressive emissions reductions by Western countries and wide implementation of climate adaptation." 

This media release relates to the IPCC's most recent report on Impacts, Adaptation & Vulnerability. This can be reshared with attribution to Prof Mark Howden and 'Ofa Ma'asi-Kaisamy. 

Published 1 March 2022


As extreme weather ravages the Pacific, there is much to do and no time to waste

Pacific Island countries and territories are the least responsible for global warming and biodiversity loss yet they are facing the harshest consequences that will continue to worsen in years to come. Their future is uncertain if the world fails to pay attention to the report’s warnings.

This article authored by IPCC Vice Chair Prof Mark Howden and ‘Ofa Kaisami, Manager of the Pacific Climate Change Centre (PCCC) summarises the key findings of the IPCC's most recent report on Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability.

Published 1 March 2022


Global temperature rises set to exceed 1.5°C in about a decade – a looming line in the sand for the Pacific

This article published on the ICEDS website summarises the findings of the IPCC's report on the Physical Science Basis and is available to Pacific media outlets for republication. It was also published in Guardian Australia  and The New Zealand Herald .

Published 10 August 2021


Policy Forum - Facing the climate crisis in the Pacific

This article published on Policy Forum draws from the Pacific Wayfinder series; bringing voices from the Pacific Island region. Follow the discussion with IPCC Vice-Chair Prof Mark Howden and academic Salā Dr George Carter on the role of the IPCC in the Pacific.

Published 20 July 2021


Looming line in the sand for Papua New Guinea

This article published in UNDP in Papua New Guinea's newsletter explores the implications of the recent IPCC report for Papua New Guinea and summarises the compelling words delivered by the University of Papua New Guinea's Vice Chancellor Prof Frank Griffin, Minister for Environment, Conservation & Climate Change Wera Mori and UN Resident Coordinator a.i Mr Dirk Wagener at an event held in August 2021 in person at the University of Papua New Guinea and online via Zoom.

Published August 2021


Updated:  6 June 2023/Responsible Officer:  College of Science/Page Contact: