Research stories
Discover how our research delivers real-world solutions to climate change problems, the energy transition, and disaster risks.
27 Jul 2020
ANU researchers have achieved a new efficiency record for hydrogen cells that can convert water into hydrogen simply using sunlight.
24 Jul 2020
A new study led by researchers at The Australian National University (ANU) provides a clearer picture of conditions during the last ice age when global ice was...
23 Jul 2020
Two ANU researchers, Prof Frank Jotzo and Prof Mark Howden, have been appointed to respectively write and review the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change...
23 Jul 2020
We know the climate changes as greenhouse gas concentrations rise, but the exact amount of expected warming remains uncertain.
14 Jul 2020
Putting a price on carbon should reduce emissions, because it makes dirty production processes more expensive than clean ones, right?
14 Jul 2020
There is strong evidence that carbon pricing works to strongly reduce emissions, according to the world's largest study on the issue published by...
10 Jul 2020
Community-led responses, the need to integrate climate action and economic recovery, and a determination to not go back to ‘business as usual’ are key to...
8 Jul 2020
A team from ANU will lead research into how electric vehicles (EVs) can support our energy grids.
30 Jun 2020
A new study from an international team of researchers has looked at how residents in Vietnam and Kenya perceive those forced to migrate because of extreme...
12 Jun 2020
Putting stimulus spending to the test: 4 ways a smart government can create jobs and cut emissions »
The COVID-19 recession is coming, and federal and state governments are expected to spend more money to stimulate economic growth. Done well, this can make...
4 Jun 2020
Applications have opened for a new $20,000 research scholarship for Master of Energy Change students at The Australian National University to study the...
4 Jun 2020
As we slowly emerge from lockdown, local adventures are high on people’s wish lists. You may be planning a trip to the ski fields, or even the nearby hills to...