Research stories
Discover how our research delivers real-world solutions to climate change problems, the energy transition, and disaster risks.
30 Jan 2020
Plants safely store toxic mercury. Bushfires and climate change bring it back into our environment »
Climate change and bushfire may exacerbate recent mercury pollution and increase exposure to the poisonous neurotoxin, according to our study published in the...
23 Dec 2019
Whilst we've known for many years that intense rainfall and flooding can can lead to disease outbreaks, until recently we weren't aware that there...
23 Dec 2019
Unfortunately, discussions around climate change in Australia have become polarised and this is challenging our ability to develop and implement solutions. ...
23 Dec 2019
In September 2019, hundreds of thousands of school students and their families rallied across Australia, kicking off a day of protest that brought together...
16 Dec 2019
Future crises are inevitable. We must consider the prospect of a monstrous bushfire season, the likes of which we’ve never seen. But if we are to create a...
2 Dec 2019
In October 2019, leading ANU water economist, Prof Quentin Grafton, called on the government to declare a water emergency to focus attention on Australia’s...
22 Nov 2019
As smoke haze hangs over Sydney, a leading environmental health expert warns toxic air from extreme bushfires, exacerbated by very dry conditions due to...
7 Nov 2019
A new research paper by Prof Eelco Rohling and Dr Fiona Hibbert reveals that Antartica is likely to drive rapid sea-level rise under climate change.
4 Nov 2019
Politicians using drought relief to assist farmers in need are ignoring effective and long-lasting solutions to Australia’s water emergency, warns a leading...
29 Oct 2019
What happens if we classify climate change as a threat, not an emergency? Liz Boulton from the ANU’s Fenner School of Environment and Society explains how...
20 Oct 2019
This Fairfax news story outlines emerging research that shows that the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) is a key driver of Australia's and global weather and...
15 Oct 2019
In the four years since the Paris climate agreement was adopted, countries have debated the fine print of how emissions reduction should be tracked and...