Research stories
Discover how our research delivers real-world solutions to climate change problems, the energy transition, and disaster risks.
15 Jan 2021
Researchers share in $4.5m funding for next-generation solar cell technology.
14 Jan 2021
Housebound by a pandemic, humanity slowed its emissions of greenhouse gases in 2020. But Earth paid little heed: Temperatures last year tied the modern record...
14 Jan 2021
Decline of insects is a catastrophic loss we can ill afford.
13 Jan 2021
Heatwaves, droughts, and bushfires are all part and parcel of life on the land in Australia, but in recent years freak weather events such as tornadoes and...
13 Jan 2021
Australian researchers who have conducted the first study looking at the direct health impacts of predicted carbon dioxide levels say the results are worrying...
12 Jan 2021
Thinning Arctic ice, more storms in the North Atlantic and record heat across Australia during La Niña during 2020 were some of the trademarks of the world...
11 Jan 2021
The 2019/20 Black Summer bushfires are a "wake up call" demonstrating the extreme effects of climate change in Australia, according to a group of...
8 Jan 2021
Scientists highlight links to climate change, call for more research.
8 Jan 2021
Despite La Niña bringing the rain and cool change, Australia endured the fourth-hottest year in history in 2020, raising the alarm for urgent action on...
8 Jan 2021
The 2019/20 Black Summer bushfires are a "wake up call" demonstrating the extreme effects of climate change in Australia, according to a group of...
7 Jan 2021
Last year's Black Summer bushfires were made worse by climate change, and future risks will likely rapidly intensify for south-eastern Australia without...
2 Jan 2021
One of Australia's most vulnerable bird species is under growing threat from development, partly because it's extremely picky about where it raises...