Research stories
Discover how our research delivers real-world solutions to climate change problems, the energy transition, and disaster risks.
18 Dec 2020
First workshop between ANU ECI and Italy's ENEA
15 Dec 2020
Australian team looking for answers in marine snow.
15 Dec 2020
More than half of the country experienced record fire danger levels last spring in the lead-up to the devastating summer bushfires, research has revealed, as...
12 Nov 2020
The rise of Distributed Energy Resources (DER)
4 Nov 2020
Imagine if the world was able to release its grip on fossil fuels and satisfy its growing appetite for energy, with a clean fuel source.
28 Oct 2020
We will remember 2020 as a year of crisis. COVID-19 hit Australia just as we were beginning to make sense of the horror bushfires and smoke of last summer, a...
27 Oct 2020
Rapidly falling cost of renewable energy generation brings $2/kg goal closer
26 Oct 2020
Emergency responses to the COVID-19 pandemic have had dramatic impacts in the Indo-Pacific region. The COVID-19 shock has reverberated through food systems...
16 Oct 2020
News that half the corals in the Great Barrier Reef have been lost in the past two decades is alarming enough, but experts say alarm at findings of dramatic...
9 Oct 2020
The risks of climate change are generally considered by the UN climate panel to be higher today than the estimates of 20 years ago.
8 Oct 2020
Across most forest types and ages, thinning had little impact on the severity of Black Saturday fires in Victoria, ANU study suggests
6 Oct 2020
Five ANU Solar Photovoltaic projects have shared in $3.2 m in Australian Government funding.