Australia, climate change and the pandemic

An artistic illustration of a coronavirus particle, superimposed on a map of the world.

With governments around the world still deep in the struggle against COVID 19, there has been little time for issues that dominated policy debates before the pandemic. 

  • But is COVID-19 an opportunity to refocus attention on climate change, another grave global threat to humankind? 
  • What does the climate change policy discussion in Australia look like in a COVID-19 world? Is an investment-led “green recovery”, especially in renewable energy, a way of spending Australia out of recession? 
  • Or will the economic shock from the pandemic stall much-needed investment in decarbonization? 
  • Is the pandemic also an opportunity to “build back better” to increase Australia’s resilience to climate effects?  

Join the ANU Public Policy & Societal Impact Hub for a live panel discussion and Q&A with policy makers and business leaders to chart a way forward for Australia on climate action in a COVID19 world.


Andrew Liveris - Former Chairman and CEO of The Dow Chemical Company

Jo Evans - Deputy Secretary, Climate Change & Energy Innovation, Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources

Emma Herd - Chief Executive Officer, Investor Group on Climate Change

ChairProfessor Kenneth Baldwin - Director, Energy Change Institute, The Australian National University


This event has been organised by the ANU Public Policy & Societal Impact Hub.

Updated:  3 June 2020/Responsible Officer:  College of Science/Page Contact: