Fiscal stimulus for low-carbon compatible COVID-19 recovery: criteria for infrastructure investment in Australia

In this webinar, we researchers at the ANU Crawford School's Centre for Climate & Energy Policy present new research that proposes a set of criteria for economic stimulus through public investments as part of a COVID-19 recovery, to identify options that create jobs and support economic, are consistent with a low-carbon transition, and bring broader economic, environmental and social benefits.

We develop a multi-criteria analysis framework and illustratively apply this to infrastructure projects and programs in Australia that have previously been designated as priorities.

Promising categories for public stimulus include renewable energy supply (including fast-tracking renewable energy zones and transmission investment), some types of transport infrastructure projects, energy efficiency programs (including retrofits of public housing and buildings), and land management projects (including the restoration of ecosystems that were damaged in Australia’s bushfires).

We will discuss how public stimulus investments can and should be comprehensively evaluated by governments, and decisions made with transparency about objectives.

Speakers: Frank Jotzo, Thomas Longden, Zeba Anjum

You can read the working paper here.

Please register to receive the Zoom link.

Updated:  15 February 2021/Responsible Officer:  College of Science/Page Contact: