Water and flooding
This is a new research cluster. Parameters will be defined in upcoming cluster discussions/meetings.
- Dr Jason Alexandra
- Professor Owen Atkin
- Professor Xuemei Bai
- Emeritus Professor Marilyn Ball
- Associate Professor Alison Behie
- Dr Mike Bourke
- Associate Professor Kathryn Bowen
- Associate Professor Cristopher Brack
- Associate Professor Caitlin Byrt
- Dr Helen Adair Cleugh
- Professor Ben Corry
- Emeritus Professor Robert Costanza
- Dr Steven Crimp
- Prof Katherine Daniell
- Professor Roderick Dewar
- Dr Thang Do
- Mr David Dumaresq
- Ms Ashley Jameson Eriksmoen
- Dr David Freudenberger
- Dr Baihua Fu
- Associate Professor Philip Gibbons
- Professor Simon Haberle
- Dr John Handmer
- Dr Naomi Hay
- Professor Robert Heinsohn
- Dr Mina Henein
- Professor Michael Hutchinson
- Dr Chengxin Jiang
- Md Kamruzzaman
- Professor Lorrae Van Kerkhoff
- Professor Penelope King
- Professor Loeske Kruuk
- Professor Kuntala Lahiri-Dutt
- Dr Voon Hui Lai
- Dr Aparna Lal
- Dr Naomi Langmore
- Professor David Lindenmayer
- Dr Amrita Malhi
- Professor Adrian Manning
- Dr Charles Massy
- Siobhan McDonnell
- Dr Tim McLellan
- Professor Patrick Meir
- Dr Wendy Merritt
- Dr Milad Mohsenzadeh
- Assoc Prof Ruth Morgan
- Professor Craig Moritz
- Dr Barry Newell
- Dr Tayanah O'Donnell
- Professor James Pittock
- Associate Professor Roslyn Prinsley
- Professor Stephen Roberts
- Dr Rachael Rodney Harris
- Dr Andrew Ross
- Dr Nadeem Samnakay
- Dr Mahdi Sedighkia
- Professor Luca Tacconi
- Dr Phuc Xuan To
- Dr Thong Tran
- Professor Robert Wasson
- Assoc Prof Bob Webb
- Tony Webster
- Professor Ian White
- Professor George Wilson
- Associate Professor Carina Wyborn
- Dr Paul Wyrwoll
- Ripon Adhikary
- Jose Cobian Alvarez
- Rachel Bowman
- Ingrid Coughlin
- Gretchen Druliner
- Shima Farazmehr
- Imogen Frawley
- Dennis Gonzalez
- Vitor Hirata Sanches
- Helen King
- Nicholas Metherall
- Rahena Parvin Rannu
- Timothy Rhodes
- Asim Riaz
- Caroline Rosello
- Chitresh Saraswat
- Vehia Wheeler
- Ruirui Zhu
Professional staff
Measuring the gaps in drinking water quality and policy across regional and remote Australia, Paul R Wyrwoll, Ana Manero, Katherine S Taylor, Evie Rose and R Quentin Grafton, npj Clean Water.
Facilitating learning for innovation in a climate-stressed context: insights from flash flood-affected rice farming in Bangladesh, Md Kamruzzaman, Katherine Anne Daniell, Ataharul Chowdhury and Steven Crimp, The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension.
Unfortunate diversions: a policy discourse analysis on the adjustment of the volume of water returned to the environment in the Murray-Darling Basin, Australia, Isobel Bender, Matthew J. Colloff, Jamie Pittock and Carina Wyborn, Australasian Journal of Water Resources.
Pumped Storage Hydropower for Sustainable and Low-Carbon Electricity Grids in Pacific Rim Economies, Daniel Gilfillan and Jamie Pittock, Energies.
Mind the Gap! Reconciling Environmental Water Requirements with Scarcity in the Murray–Darling Basin, Australia, Matthew J Colloff and Jamie Pittock, Water.