Professor Robert Heinsohn

Fenner School of Environment & Society

My primary research interests lie in conservation biology and landscape and evolutionary ecology of vertebrates, with a focus on birds. To date, I have completed four major ARC/NSF funded field projects, three on the behavioural ecology and conservation biology of birds (White-winged Choughs, 1985-1997, Eclectus Parrots, 1997-2005, waterfowl movements in northern Australia, 2007-2010) and the other on mammals (Serengeti lions, 1990-1995), and I have contributed to a variety of published collaborations on over 40 vertebrate species (eg. social organisation of Kookaburras, breeding biology of Buff-breasted Paradise Kingfishers, population dynamics of rodents, theoretical investigations of reproductive skew theory in birds, population viability analysis of Speckled Warblers, Palm Cockatoos, and Dugongs, migration in Swift Parrots, spectroradiometry of colours in birds and reptiles, population genetics of cooperatively breeding birds, cuckoo-host interactions, ecology of avian  influenza, waterfowl systematics). Increasingly, I am directing my research at the landscape level as I seek to identify the broad-scale processes shaping conservation problems. The bird species I choose to work with are often large and wide-ranging, and make excellent tools for investigations of habitat use over large areas. Most recently I have been working with collaborators at Charles Sturt University to study bird migration and avian borne diseases in northern Australia and south-east Asia (ARC Linkage Grant) and in 2011 will be commencing research with Dr Langmore on the impact of climate change on cuckoo-host dynamics (ARC Discovery Grant).

Research interests

My primary research interests lie in conservation biology and evolutionary ecology of vertebrates, with a non-exclusive focus on birds. Students and post-docs in my research group focus on practical research aimed at saving endangered bird species from extinction (see Difficult Bird Research Group), the ecology of African mammals, and behavioural ecology including social behavour, cooperative breeding, and tool use. Major long term projects to date include the behavioural ecology of lions in the Serengeti, and white-winged choughs in the Canberra region, Eclectus parrots, palm cockatoos and green pythons on Cape York Peninsula, and the conservation and behaviour of swift parrots, regent honeyeaters, and Norfolk Island green parrots. Increasingly, my research focusses at the landscape level as I seek to identify the broad-scale processes shaping conservation problems. The bird species I choose to work with are wide-ranging, and make excellent tools for investigations of habitat use over large areas. I have a special fondness for parrots, the bird order with the highest proportion of endangered species. I find this research particularly stimulating because it combines my strong background in behavioural and evolutionary ecology with my more recent passion for conservation biology. My students conduct projects in many parts of Australia (e.g Tasmania, Cape York, Norfolk Island) and New Guinea, and also Africa (e.g. lions, baboons, elephants) and South America (e.g. macaws).

For further details of the activities of my group see and

Current major research projects include:

1.  Tool use and conservation biology of palm cockatoos

2.   Evolutonary/conservation impacts of extreme predation on female swift parrots

3.   Conservation of regent honeyeaters, 40 spotted pardalotes, orange-bellied parrots, and Norfolk Island green parrots


Updated:  18 September 2024/Responsible Officer:  College of Science/Page Contact: