Research stories
Discover how our research delivers real-world solutions to climate change problems, the energy transition, and disaster risks.
2 Oct 2020
Early people were rapidly adapting to climate change as they made their way towards Australia tens of thousands of years ago, new research shows.
25 Sep 2020
The extreme, recent drought has devastated many communities around the Murray-Darling Basin, but the processes driving drought are still not well understood.
17 Sep 2020
The melting of the Antarctic Ice Sheet could contribute half a metre of sea-level rise in the coming century, a significant increase to estimates from just...
15 Sep 2020
New battery storage research at ECI following latest round of ACT reverse auction
3 Sep 2020
Australia continues to lead the world in the per capita roll out of energy generated by solar and wind, resulting in lower greenhouse gas emissions and falling...
27 Aug 2020
Australia's economic response to COVID ignores aged care, climate crisis and housing, report finds »
Australia’s economic response to Covid-19 has failed to address insecure work, privatised services such as aged care, low housing supply and climate change.
27 Aug 2020
When the clock ticked over to 2020, Australia was in the grip of a brutal drought and unprecedented bushfires. But in the months since, while many of us were...
26 Aug 2020
Arctic sea ice is melting more quickly than once assumed. Today's climate models have yet to incorporate the steep rise in temperatures that have occurred...
25 Aug 2020
Melting of the Antarctic icesheet could “conservatively” cause half a metre of sea-level rise in the coming century, a significant increase on some previous...
18 Aug 2020
An Australian-first research project adjusts to the COVID-19 pandemic.
28 Jul 2020
Coal will need to be phased out of the world's economy to meet the climate change challenge, but this can work properly only if social objectives and...
28 Jul 2020
Governments must proactively prepare workers and communities as part of a ‘just transition’ in response to an inevitable phase out of coal mines and power...