Research stories
Discover how our research delivers real-world solutions to climate change problems, the energy transition, and disaster risks.
11 Oct 2019
Warmer temperatures linked to climate change are having a big impact on the breeding habits of one of Australia's most recognisable bird species,...
30 Sep 2019
Australia depends on the ocean that surrounds us for our health and prosperity. But that ocean is suffering from the effects of climate change that are playing...
26 Sep 2019
The latest report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change paints a grim picture of the future of Australia’s coastal areas, but there’s still time...
26 Sep 2019
A landmark report confirms Australia is girt by hotter, higher seas. But there’s still time to act »
The IPCC report says extreme sea level events that used to hit once a century will occur once a year in many places by 2050. This situation is inevitable, even...
19 Sep 2019
A new research project at The Australian National University will redefine Australia's trade relationship with the Asia-Pacific based on renewable energy...
4 Sep 2019
Australia continues to install renewables at record rates and will surpass the scrapped target of 41,000 Gigawatt-hours (GWh) of renewable energy generation...
29 Aug 2019
Researchers from The Australian National University have broken new ground in solar cell energy efficiency and in the process provided a glimpse of the...
20 Aug 2019
By connecting climate change to its material impact on the world, scientists have transformed an observation into a policy problem. The history of this...
15 Aug 2019
What does the latest research predict about the future for Antarctica? Amanda Cox reports.
8 Jun 2019
There's been a lot of hype about the most recent resurgence of hydrogen fuel.
15 Apr 2019
Professor Ken Baldwin and Professor Frank Jotzo discuss Australia's energy policy landscape (including nuclear) and where future opportunities and...
7 Jan 2019
Interview with Mr Ian Cronshaw, International Energy Agency.