Research stories
Discover how our research delivers real-world solutions to climate change problems, the energy transition, and disaster risks.
7 Jan 2019
Interview with Mr Ian Cronshaw, International Energy Agency.
7 Jan 2019
Interview with Ms Sarah McNamara, Chief Executive, Australian Energy Council.
7 Jan 2019
Interview with Professor Ken Baldwin, ANU Energy Change Institute.
24 Dec 2018
Since the election of President Trump and the announcement of US withdrawal from the Paris Climate Agreement, there has been an opportunity for other countries...
23 Dec 2018
One researcher who’s working all out to win this battle is Professor Xuemei Bai of the ANU Fenner School of Environment & Society.
21 Dec 2018
In 2015 a major drought, followed by a significant frost, in the Eastern Highlands of Papua Guinea (PNG) led to food stress for much of the population. Dr...
18 Dec 2018
How can urban forests and greening make our cities cooler, healthier, wealthier and more attractive? Research by Assoc Prof Cris Brack of the Fenner School of...
17 Dec 2018
To limit global warming to below 2oC, we must not only stop burning fossil fuels, we must also develop technologies that draw down atmospheric CO2 (an approach...
11 Dec 2018
Research at the ANU Borevitz Lab aims to address three overlapping objectives: improve agricultural yields, restore degraded landscapes and draw down carbon...
7 Dec 2018
Communicating climate change is a tricky business. Giving people facts about, for example, increasing global temperature or rising sea level doesn’t always...
25 Oct 2018
Unfortunately, it’s the poorer countries of the world, with the least financial resources, who tend to be most exposed to the damaging impacts of climate...
21 Sep 2018
The ANU Energy Change Institute’s Grand Challenge is to bring Zero-Carbon Energy to the Asia Pacific.