Ms Kari James

Executive Officer
Pacific Manuscripts Bureau

Kari James is the Executive Officer for the Pacific Manuscripts Bureau (PAMBU), with an academic background in media studies, information management and archives. PAMBU is a copying archive based in the College of Asia and the Pacific. Since 1968, PAMBU has been collaborating with organisations in the Pacific to make preservation copies of their archival materials and making them accessible to researchers through an international network of subscribing libraries, including the ANU Library. We have worked with organisations as diverse as broadcasters, churches, colleges, observatories and agricultural organisations. Since 2019, PAMBU has been interested in how our collections of historical records (newspapers, shipping logs, missionary diaries etc) can contribute to climate data rescue projects, such as Atmospheric Circulation Reconstructions over the Earth (ACRE). PAMBU is still an active preservation digitisation program and is always interested to learn about manuscripts, rare printed materials or photos about the Pacific that may be at risk of loss or destruction, or currently inaccessible to researchers. Kari is also happy to take enquiries about how to locate materials in our collection.

Updated:  12 March 2025/Responsible Officer:  College of Science/Page Contact: