Dr Shinichi Asao

Postdoctoral Scientist
Research School of Biology

Dr Asao is a research fellow at at the ARC Centre of Excellence in Plant Energy Biology, ANU.  He is interested in understanding, modeling, and predicting plant metabolism.  He studied tropical forest carbon cycling for a PhD at Colorado State Univeristy, and soil enzymes and dissolved organic matter for a Master's degree at University of California, Santa Barbara. He also studied ecosystem models and model-data integration as a postdoctoral research fellow at Colorado State University.

Research interests

Dr Asao is interested in plant metabolism: how it is organized and regulated, how it varies across time and space, and how it affects ecosystem function.  He uses various techniques in his research including experiments, field studies, and empirical and theoretical models.  He is also interested in science communication, and was a founder of EcoPress, a science communication website for Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory at Colorado State University.


Biogeosciences 14: 4663-4690.

De Kauwe, M., Medlyn, B., Walker, A., Zaehle, S., Asao, S., Guenet, B., Harper, A., Hickler, T., Jain, A., Luo, Y., Lu, X., Luus, K., Parton, W., Shu, S., Wang, Y.P., Werner, C., Xia, J., Pendall, E., Morgan, J., Ryan, E., Carrillo, Y., Dijkstra, F., Zelikova, T., Norby, R., (2017).  Challenging terrestrial biosphere models with data from the long-term multi-factor Prairie Heating and CO2 Enrichment experiment.  Global Change Biology 23(9) 3623-3645.

Ryan E., Ogle K., Peltier D., Walker A.P., De Kauwe M.G., Medlyn B.E., Williams D.G., Parton W., Asao S., Guenet B., Harper A., Lu X., Luus K.A., Shu S., Werner C., Xia J., Zaehle S., Pendall E. (2017).  Gross primary production responses to warming, elevated CO2, and irrigation: quantifying the drivers of ecosystem physiology in a semiarid grassland. Global Change Biology 23(8): 3092-3106.

Chen M., Parton W.J., Adair C.E., Asao S., Hartman M., Gao W. (2016).  Simulating the effects of photodecay on long-term litter decay using DayCent.  Ecosphere 7(12): e01631

Quentin A.G., Pinkard E.A., Ryan M.G., Tissue D.T., Baggett L.S.. et al.  2015.  Non-structural carbohydrates in woody plants cannot be quantitatively compared among laboratories.  Tree Physiology 35(11): 1146-1165.

Asao S., Sun Z., Gao W. (2015) Effects of bias in solar radiation inputs on ecosystem model performance. Proceedings of SPIE 9610, Remote Sensing and Modeling of Ecosystems for Sustainability XII, 96100C (September 4); doi:10.1117/12.2188206.

Walker A.P., Zaehle S., Medlyn B.E., De Kauwe M.G., Asao S., Hickler T., Parton W., Ricciuto D., Wang Y., Warlind D., Norby R.J.  2015.  Predicting long-term carbon sequestration in response to CO2 enrichment: how and why do current ecosystem models differ?  Global Biogeochemical Cycles 29(4): 476-495.

Bell C.W., Asao S., Calderon F., Wolk B., and Wallenstein M.D.  2015. Plant nitrogen uptake drives rhizosphere bacterial community assembly during plant growth.  Soil Biology & Biogeochemistry 85: 170-182.

Asao S. and Ryan M.G.  2015.  Carbohydrate regulation of photosynthesis and respiration from branch girdling in four trees species of wet tropical rain forest trees.  Tree Physiology 35(6): 608-620.

Asao, S., Bedoya-Arrieta R., Ryan M.G.  2015.  Variation in foliar respiration and wood CO2 efflux rates among species and canopy layers in a wet tropical forest.  Tree Physiology 35(2): 148-159.

De Kauwe M.G., Medlyn B.E., Zaehle S., Walker A.P., Asao S., Dietze M., Hickler T., Jain A.K., Luo Y., Parton W.J., Prentice I.C., Smith B., Thornton P.E., Wang S., Wang Y.P., Warlind D., Weng E., Hanson P.J.  2014.  Where does the carbon go?  A model-data intercomparison of carbon allocation at two temperate forest free-air CO2 enrichment sites.  New Phytologist 203(3): 883-899.

Walker, A.P., Hanson P.J., De Kauwe M.G., Medlyn B.E., Zaehle S., Asao S., Dietze M., Hickler T., Huntigford C., Iversen C.M., Jain A., Lomas M., Luo Y., McCarthy H., Parton W.J., Prentice I.C., Thornton P.E., Wang S., Wang Y.P., Warlind D., Weng E., Warren J.M., Woodward F.I., Oren R., Norby R.J. 2014.  Comprehensive ecosystem model-data synthesis using multiple datasets at two temperate forest free-air CO2 enrichment experiments: model performance at ambient CO2 concentration. Journal of Geophysical Research – Biogeosciences 119(5): 937-964.

Ryan, M.G., Asao S.  2014.  Phloem transport in trees.  Tree Physiology 34 (1): 1-4.

Cheng, W., Parton W.J., Gonzalez-Meler M.A., Phillips R., Asao S., McNickle G.G., Brzostek E., Jastrow J.D.  2013.  Synthesis and Modeling Perspectives of Rhizosphere Priming.  New Phytologist 201(1): 31-44.

Sistla S.A., Asao S., Schimel J.P.  2012.  Detecting microbial N-limitation in tussock tundra soil: Implications for Arctic soil organic carbon cycling.  Soil Biology and Biochemistry 55: 78-84.

Updated:  22 June 2023/Responsible Officer:  College of Science/Page Contact:  https://iceds.anu.edu.au/contact